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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Pryor was a completely different QB than Boeckman. Corp is not that different from Barkley.
Boeckman was a veteran, returning starter. Barkley is a true freshman. Big difference in maturity in handling that rotation/demotion.
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Derek2k3;1534279; said:
Any chance PC tries the same strategy as OSU did last year with the QB's?
No way. Frankly, CPC isn't that dumb.

This is not an unfamiliar situation for SC. They've taken wet-behind-the-ears QBs into Auburn and Arkansas for their first road starts (Leinart, Booty) and had plenty of success.
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TheIronColonel;1534243; said:
They seem to heavily underrate the USC running game.

lightyears2012;1534262; said:
They do and I like our DL depth in controlling not stopping them..

Besides scoring more points than them... this is one of the big keys of the game.

Really besides DWill does any of the other WR scare the Ohio State defense? And on top of that DWill is not really a deep threat. Also alot of Barkey's throws were underneath type routes.

So you would like to think Ohio State will stack the box and dare Barkley to beat them deep. Last year we couldn't do that beacuse Sanchez tore us apart. If we can't stop the USC running game while we are keying on the run, then it might be a long night.
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Derek2k3;1534279; said:
Any chance PC tries the same strategy as OSU did last year with the QB's?

Would be interesting if they gave Corp significant time early...

This will only happen when Barkley is knocked out of the game, or is so awful, he gets pulled. If they presented two completely different looks like Todd and Terrelle last year, I could see it happening. These are all pocket qb's with just a little difference in mobility.
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Just about every major PSU tradition was stolen...

We Are (too many to list), White Outs (again, too many. NHL was one), Seven Nation Army (soccer), Zombie Nation (soccer), Camping Out (Duke's Krzyzewskiville, etc)...
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kolOhioState88;1534343; said:
what? you realize 7 nation army was used in soccer stadiums in europe way before it reached college football

Yes. Which is why using a weak note progression that I could play when I was 12 and singing the same song that an in-conference rivals sings repeatedly, copying those soccer fans, makes it even more unoriginal and lame.

If your going to tell me that even the thought of 105,000+ individuals, chanting O-H-I-O to the end chorus of "Welcome Home," doesn't give you goosebumps, I will not be able to change your mind. If The Ohio State University and all it's fans could get behind this, it would be absolutely more impressive than most any other stadium chant anywhere. It would be original, it would be proud, and in full throat. If I could do anything for this game, it would be to edit that song and start that chant. That is all.
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jmorbitz;1534362; said:
Yes. Which is why using a weak note progression that I could play when I was 12 and singing the same song that an in-conference rivals sings repeatedly, copying those soccer fans, makes it even more unoriginal and lame.

If your going to tell me that even the thought of 105,000+ individuals, chanting O-H-I-O to the end chorus of "Welcome Home," doesn't give you goosebumps, I will not be able to change your mind. If The Ohio State University and all it's fans could get behind this, it would be absolutely more impressive than most any other stadium chant anywhere. It would be original, it would be proud, and in full throat. If I could do anything for this game, it would be to edit that song and start that chant. That is all.

not to get off topic here. but i hate when people get technical with music. yes i could easily play the intro to 7 nation army with one finger. that doesnt mean it doesnt sound awesome. and yes that coheed song would be sick
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