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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Ok. I've finally resigned myself to knowing I will not be going to the game. I even tried the birthday angle to get tickets from friends who had extra. My house is on the other side of the west campus lot. If I'm on my deck and I don't hear you guys from there, I'm going to be upset.

Cheer loud, cheer proud and for fucks sake don't stop cheering ever (well maybe when we're on offense and Pryor needs to audible - but that's it)

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ttk;1534045; said:
Awful lot of questions about the Vick eye-black thing. I guess that's getting a lot of attention, understandably so. Wonder if he wears it again this week.
I hope that he does wear it again so that everyone is so concentrated on that they forget they are playing a FOOTBALL GAME and he blows everyone away, scoring 5 TDs through the air and on the ground.
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Coqui;1534120; said:
Ok. I've finally resigned myself to knowing I will not be going to the game. I even tried the birthday angle to get tickets from friends who had extra. My house is on the other side of the west campus lot. If I'm on my deck and I don't hear you guys from there, I'm going to be upset.

Cheer loud, cheer proud and for [censored]s sake don't stop cheering ever (well maybe when we're on offense and Pryor needs to audible - but that's it)


:io: I wish I could be there too!
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jimotis4heisman;1534204; said:
major key to the game: the team who scores more points will win this game...
Finally! jimotis came through with his key to the game ,we are now complete.

I found this interesting synopsis on the wearesc.com board. It will be interesting to see how much of it happens.

OSU will attempt to take advantage of our young linebackers. They will not attempt to keep Pryor in the pocket and pass versus USC's elite secondary. Doing so would play right into USC's hands. They will roll Pryor out and get him in space so he can make safe throws and/or run the ball. He will try to run a lot in this game. The strongside combo of DE Horton and SLB Morgan did not have a good game versus San Jose State. OSU will look to run wide of them after getting them to pinch in. They will attack that side much more than the weakside. They will try a couple of WR sweeps, and quick 3 step drop stuff.

USC will need to get more aggressive with the way they use Taylor Mays. This might be one of the keys to the game. He is a demon, but his talents are wasted if all he does is take away the deep ball. They will have to gamble a few times have have him play at the line if OSU finds any rhythm in their offense. Mays is needed to make direct contact with Pryor....let someone else patrol centerfield. Or bring in Will Harris to disrupt some things on the edge. Make Pryor audible, then back out. The Trojans will need to show some different looks before the snap, even if they fall back into their basic cover 2 after the snap.

USC will need to show they can throw from the pocket. Barkley did not show that in the last game. He is not going to be running all over the place like Pryor. If he is ineffective, I wouldn't mind seeing Corp in there. Corp looked really good in the limited time he had in the last game. If the offense gets in a funk, Corp's ability to scramble and run might be needed to get the offensive juices flowing. The USC offensive line should be able to control and pace the offense with good blocking, it should go a long way to securing a USC victory.

A Ohio State victory will look like the typical way in which the Trojans have lost on the road. OSU will go out to a 10 to 14 point lead, the Trojans will come back eventually, then OSU will regain composure and score some more to win. Anybody predicting OSU in a rout doesn't realize that just doesn't happen to USC.

A Trojan victory will look like a pretty even in the first half, then they'll start to roll in the 2nd half once they become accustom to the atmosphere and noise, to put the game away in the early 4th quarter.

I expect a low scoring game, about 23 to 13, with both offenses struggling at times. It might be a punt filled game with neither quarterback able to consistently move their team.

As usually, the game might turn on a turnover or two, and because of that, I would make McFumble, I mean McKnight, more of a decoy in this game. I can do without his flash for a game, because USC can not have any fumbles in this game. You don't want those fans to start going crazy, because it will be very hard to stop the bleeding at that point.
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Sounds like a pretty sharp Trojan. I can't see a lot in that analysis that I would disagree with. Although, I can't say that bringing Mays up helps them at all. If Mays meets up with Pryor anywhere less than 10 yards down field, I would say that we are already having a pretty good day.

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COACH TRESSEL: I probably don't think that far out. The opening kickoff, if we're kicking to them, is going to be the biggest thing going on in the world and the next play and the next play. And at the end of the game, if we're successful, all of a sudden the world isn't perfect because we're still going to have to grade the film and come in and get ready to do it again. And if we're not successful, chances are, as long as there's no tragedies, the world won't end. But we're excited about this opportunity and we think this is a big deal. If you put our guys under hypnosis or whatever in the summertime and ask them the question, what game are you thinking about, you know, I'm sure it would be Ohio State/USC and that's -- it's big.

I love the perspective that Tressel has. It's an absolute pleasure, for me, to read it.
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