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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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BUCKYLE;1533974; said:
Motherfuck Barkley. Arrogant, cocky prick. I'm tired of hearing his mouth. No matter what happens on saturday, I'll root against this little fuck for the rest of his career.

Speaking of which....

I played golf today for the first time in two years. First swing off the first tee 300 yards right down the middle. The threesome I had been paired with all started to congratulate me but I just told them it was no big deal, golf was really easy and last time I talked to God, he told me I was born to do this anyway.

I overheard them talking amongst themselves later and oddly enough they weren't commenting on my humility or what a pious young man I was. I am confused.
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Jaxbuck;1533986; said:
Speaking of which....

I played golf today for the first time in two years. First swing off the first tee 300 yards right down the middle. The threesome I had been paired with all started to congratulate me but I just told them it was no big deal, golf was really easy and last time I talked to God, he told me I was born to do this anyway.

I overheard them talking amongst themselves later and oddly enough they weren't commenting on my humility or what a pious young man I was. I am confused.

If they were Jaxbuck fans, they would've talked about how humble and sportsmanlike you were in HS. Because if you watch someone from the stands when they are in HS, you can tell a lot about their character.

But seriously...Fuck this dude in his ear hole. Taylor Mays has earned the right to talk about crowd noise and shit....this frosh hasn't.

Anyone going to the game...get so fucking loud that he wets himself. I'm begging you. Scream like you've never screamed in your life. Lose your fucking voice. Win or lose, I want him shook for at least a couple plays.
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Video of some of the players on the Navy game and what they expect from USC, from the ozone.

Ohio State Foottball

Personally to points that I pull out is Herron's facial expression when asked about the night atmosphere and how he looks excited and how Worthington pointed out that the LB's point out the personnel changes. We could find out how much film Rolle really watches and how attentive he is. If he is as attentive to formations and personnel as he was in the Navy game, the D could have a great game.

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BUCKYLE;1533991; said:
If they were Jaxbuck fans, they would've talked about how humble and sportsmanlike you were in HS. Because if you watch someone from the stands when they are in HS, you can tell a lot about their character.

Well that and I let everyone know I have intelligent two way communication with God. Everyone knows only the most humble and unpretentious people talk about their conversations with God every time you stick a microphone in front of our faces.
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Jaxbuck;1534008; said:
Well that and I let everyone know I have intelligent two way communication with God. Everyone knows only the most humble and unpretentious people talk about their conversations with God every time you stick a microphone in front of our faces.

Yes, public display is the utmost sign of humility.
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jmorbitz;1533964; said:
The challenger, visiting the 'Shoe, in the Crimson and Gold trunks...

#4 Tayyyyyyyyyyllloooorrrr Mmaaaayyyyyyysss!


Starting Senior Safety for the Trojans
Height: 6'-3"
Weight: 230lbs.

and now, protecting the banks of the Olentangy, defending the hallowed halls of Ohio Stadium, His Honor Defend, in the Scarlet and Gray trunks...

#2 Teeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreelllllllllllllllllllllllee Prrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyoooorrrrr!


Starting Quarterback for Theee Ohio State University Buckeyes
Height: 6'-6"

I really want to see Pryor stiff arm Taylor Mays on his way for a TD. That would make my night!
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