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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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USCStephen;1531802; said:
Grading USC's preformance:
TE: B-
OL: B+
DB: A-
ST: B-
As you'd expect against SJSU.

I'm not ready to concede defeat like so many tOSU fans are after today. Can't say I blame the casual fan after today and last years massacre, but it's not so superficial.

The Bucks were one mind boggling play call from breezing into next week. Yes, there are still issues along the OL, but I think a less buttoned up offense is let go next week and TP is given his opportunity to shine. Predictable playcalling can make an OL look worse than it really is. A good gameplan can neutralize that. The running game wasn't great, but Boom was serviceable and I was really impressed with Saine. I think the WR and TE's played good games. So there were some goods, quite a few actually, in there.

Barkley is still coming into a very hostile environment in just his second college game. Yeah, he looked good...but against San Jose State. He should look good against San Jose State. I am nervous about the defensive backfield though. While I think Coleman is one of the best safeties in the country and maybe the best football player on the Bucks, the corners are still unproven and Russell is a liability just waiting to be exploited. I really, really, really hope Hines is on the field more. He's a major upgrade over Russell. I hate to make the kid out to be the whipping boy, but lets face facts...he's just not a very good safety in coverage. I'm gonna see him chasing USC recievers from behind in my nightmares. I think the DL and LBers held their own. The CB's looked good for what they had to work with.

On offense, I want to see a lot of play action and rollouts. If the line can't get any push, we're in trouble, but I think TP taking over a game could still salvage it. He looked very sharp except for a couple of passes and I really liked what I saw from him on the move. Get the TE's involved. Ballard AND Stoney. A short-intermediate passing game could open up some running lanes for Boom and Zoom if the line isn't doing that well.

Right now, I'm not nearly as confident as I was 24 hours ago, but more confident than last year. JT and the staff and the players know how big a game this is and they'll show up ready to play...at least I hope so. If I had to lay real money on this game right now, I'm putting it on USC, but, I have hope that they can prove me wrong.
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NFBuck;1531804; said:
As you'd expect against SJSU.

I'm not ready to concede defeat like so many tOSU fans are after today. Can't say I blame the casual fan after today and last years massacre, but it's not so superficial.

The Bucks were one mind boggling play call from breezing into next week. Yes, there are still issues along the OL, but I think a less buttoned up offense is let go next week and TP is given his opportunity to shine. Predictable playcalling can make an OL look worse than it really is. A good gameplan can neutralize that. The running game wasn't great, but Boom was serviceable and I was really impressed with Saine. I think the WR and TE's played good games. So there were some goods, quite a few actually, in there.

Barkley is still coming into a very hostile environment in just his second college game. Yeah, he looked good...but against San Jose State. He should look good against San Jose State. I am nervous about the defensive backfield though. While I think Coleman is one of the best safeties in the country and maybe the best football player on the Bucks, the corners are still unproven and Russell is a liability just waiting to be exploited. I really, really, really hope Hines is on the field more. He's a major upgrade over Russell. I hate to make the kid out to be the whipping boy, but lets face facts...he's just not a very good safety in coverage. I'm gonna see him chasing USC recievers from behind in my nightmares. I think the DL and LBers held their own. The CB's looked good for what they had to work with.

On offense, I want to see a lot of play action and rollouts. If the line can't get any push, we're in trouble, but I think TP taking over a game could still salvage it. He looked very sharp except for a couple of passes and I really liked what I saw from him on the move. Get the TE's involved. Ballard AND Stoney. A short-intermediate passing game could open up some running lanes for Boom and Zoom if the line isn't doing that well.

Right now, I'm not nearly as confident as I was 24 hours ago, but more confident than last year. JT and the staff and the players know how big a game this is and they'll show up ready to play...at least I hope so. If I had to lay real money on this game right now, I'm putting it on USC, but, I have hope that they can prove me wrong.

NFBuck, I think you have represented what I think as well.
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Obviously Barkley was playing San Jose State, but I gotta give credit where credit is due. He did exactly what we want from him, to manage the game. People say Corp would be a better manager of the game etc. but Barkley did perfectly today, he took the sack twice instead of throwing it into double coverage, and he also threw it away when the play wasn't on. That's enough when USC's OL and Running backs are on like today.

We all know the next step in play is probably a few games away, But if Barkley is similarly efficient next week, then USC should be looking pretty solid.

Bates has brought a new look to the USC offense, especially the running back rotation. Gable is certainly on the outs for now, numerous things can be said about why IMO. Stafon is certainly the go to back in short yardage and goal line situations, because of his ability to find the soft spot in a defense and his all round efficiency in these situations. McKnight is the main guy IMO, he is easily better than last year, last dancing and moves, more hitting the hole and making a guy miss. Bradford is still a bit of a mystery, he'll get more carries but I'm not sure in what situations.
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Navy received a very hospitable welcome to Ohio Stadium. From what I could hear on the broadcast, it didn't seem like the crowd really got into the game at all.

This week, Buckeye fans need to make sure that the Trojans receive a real Ohio Stadium welcome, similar to the reception we'd give TSUN.

We need noise.
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Steve19;1531825; said:
Navy received a very hospitable welcome to Ohio Stadium. From what I could hear on the broadcast, it didn't seem like the crowd really got into the game at all.

Yeah, I know the Navy is... well.. the Navy and all... but, when I heard fans trying to figure out if they should just cheer for them or give them the full standing O I though, what the hell? They're here to win, for God's sake... let's treat them like a legitimate team.. I don't know... I just thought it was too "nice"

This week, Buckeye fans need to make sure that the Trojans receive a real Ohio Stadium welcome, similar to the reception we'd give TSUN.

We need noise.
Fortunately, the Trojans don't defend our boarders.... I doubt we discuss if they get a standing O out of the home crowd...
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I like where the offense is at right now running playaction and out of the shotgun. Pryor looked good but if there is one thing I know about Terrelle, it's that he's beating himself up about his play yesterday and that interception late in the game. He will be ready. Guarantee that. Terrelle Pryor will be ready to fucking do work on USC.

I have mixed emotions on the defense. Part of me feels that they were playing a good offense with a scheme nearly impossible to plan for. I am willing to bet they put up bigger numbers on Notre Dame. The other part of me wonders how the fuck we can give up 80-99 yard drives to Navy, and passing touchdowns to Navy. I think that we need to make adjustments in our secondary but most of the damage USC will do will come on sweeps left and right. I saw nothing on Saturday that showed we can do better against USC's running attack than we did last year. That scares me.

We are going to have to force mistakes, blitz the crap out of them, and mix things up. I feel good about being able to score this year. I didn't last year. We have direction this year on offense. We need a good start and a little luck on defense in my opinion.

Grow out the beards and get ready because this weekend is going to be huge. Lets get it.:oh:
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Pryor will to improve passing the ball, he looked inaccurate against a weak Navy defensive back 4, he struggled rolling out and getting his eyes down field. Also He will obviously be able to create time in the pocket, but he won't be breaking as many sacks in the pocket against USC. Overall I was impressed with Pryor he certainly has improved, but I'm not sure he is fully ready yet, still looks like an athlete playing QB, instead of a QB who is a great athlete.
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USCStephen;1531832; said:
Pryor will to improve passing the ball, he looked inaccurate against a weak Navy defensive back 4, he struggled rolling out and getting his eyes down field. Also He will obviously be able to create time in the pocket, but he won't be breaking as many sacks in the pocket against USC. Overall I was impressed with Pryor he certainly has improved, but I'm not sure he is fully ready yet, still looks like an athlete playing QB, instead of a QB who is a great athlete.
Did you get all that from sports center highlights, or did you watch the game?
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Stephen, something you should take into consideration is playing in Ohio Stadium. The noise levels have been measured at levels higher than a jet engine.

The crowd attending these home games is known for creating harsh and difficult environments for opponents. University of Iowa coach Hayden Fry complained after a 1985 loss that the fans were too loud for his quarterback, Chuck Long, to call plays and suggested sound meters be used to gauge the noise level, penalizing home teams if there was too much noise. He said, "It's a realistic fact that happened. He became mentally disturbed for the first time since he's been a starter for us because of his inability to communicate."[12]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sxmeSacmYI&feature=related]YouTube - Michigan Marching Band gets booed in Ohio Stadium[/ame]

Hear anything from the marching band except their drums? Me neither.

Expect some of this...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXAs0VtwvuM]YouTube - Buckeyes - and a loud crowd - send Purdue 3 and out[/ame]
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yes I did watch the whole game, was quite entertaining until the Navy Coach forgot what he was doing. Pryor has certainly improved but he isn't close to fulfilling his potential based solely on the Navy game. Navy ran a conservative defense, and was able to get a good deal of pressure rushing four.
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USCStephen;1531854; said:
yes I did watch the whole game, was quite entertaining until the Navy Coach forgot what he was doing. Pryor has certainly improved but he isn't close to fulfilling his potential based solely on the Navy game. Navy ran a conservative defense, and was able to get a good deal of pressure rushing four.

Then would you agree that one play may have change the outside perception of this game? I also think that Navy got more pressure when they zone blitzed than they did when just bringing their front four. I do think that there were some struggles reading and picking that blitz up at times, but when they did, you saw plays develop and Pryor doing a better job of reading the coverage later in the game, i.e., the pass to Ballard rolling to his left in the 3rd, over the LB zone and under the deep safety coverage.
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jmorbitz;1531867; said:
Then would you agree that one play may have change the outside perception of this game? I also think that Navy got more pressure when they zone blitzed than they did when just bringing their front four. I do think that there were some struggles reading and picking that blitz up at times, but when they did, you saw plays develop and Pryor doing a better job of reading the coverage later in the game, i.e., the pass to Ballard rolling to his left in the 3rd, over the LB zone and under the deep safety coverage.

That was a very impressive throw, Ballard looked like a weapon, It will be interesting to see if Tressel continues using him like that. Pryor is improved no doubt but he still a work in progress like most quarterbacks. There will be great plays like the Ballard pass and there will be plays like the interception which was ugly. Of course Pryor was playing most of the game on the back foot, because of the lack of a running game.
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Note to those going to the game:
If you can hear yourself scream when they're 3rd & 3 (which, under normal circumstances, should be quite easy, considering that you should be screaming as loudly as humanly possible), the stadium isn't loud enough. Do what you can to get them louder.
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