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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Stephen, something you should take into consideration is playing in Ohio Stadium. The noise levels have been measured at levels higher than a jet engine.


YouTube - Michigan Marching Band gets booed in Ohio Stadium

Hear anything from the marching band except their drums? Me neither.

Expect some of this...

YouTube - Buckeyes - and a loud crowd - send Purdue 3 and out
Ihhope the crowd can return to that 1985 level..Navy should have never been to hear the count but I think The stadium has become a country club..and many fans have given up beer and brats for Whine and cheese. Hopefully the country club atmosphere is not infiltrating the WHAC.
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Can't say I've heard the 'have to give credit where due' line used for one's own team before. :p

Many of missed the sjsu game other than highlights. What is different about the offensive look?
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Onebuckfan;1531880; said:
Ihhope the crowd can return to that 1985 level..Navy should have never been to hear the count but I think The stadium has become a country club..and many fans have given up beer and brats for Whine and cheese. Hopefully the country club atmosphere is not infiltrating the WHAC.
The crowd is often mediocre for small ooc opponents, often in the same month as deafening games against major squads, like Texas 05.
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jwinslow;1531882; said:
Can't say I've heard the 'have to give credit where due' line used for one's own team before. :p

Many of missed the sjsu game other than highlights. What is different about the offensive look?

We have gotten away from using the pass to set up the run. And the play calling is far less predictable.
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Just got done watching the USC/SJSU and I am felling better about our chances. SJSU played with USC for 1.5 quarters and it only started getting ugly when SJSU went with their backup QB and stopped moving the ball at all. They were not doing great with their 1st string QB, but at least he made a few first downs and keep the SJSU defense off the field for a little while. When USC started to roll it was againist a gassed defense and most times on a short field.

Barkley very rarely went down field with his throws. He mostly dropped it off underneath to wide open recievers who then use their athletic ability (and a gassed defense) to turn them into big plays. After the first quarter there was no pressure on him from SJSU. On the few times when he did go downfield he was accurate and found the wide open reciever but that didn't happen till the game was well in hand. It could be the PC instructed him only to throw if he is 100% sure. If USC uses the same plan we will need to tackle well in space and get pressure of the edges, but since we usually have done that well in the past I am somewhat hopeful there. Of course it also could be PC not wanting to show us anything as well.

The running game was impressive, but again most impressive when SJSU was gassed.

The USC defense was very good but I just don't know how good the SJSU offense in comparsion.
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USCStephen;1531886; said:
We have gotten away from using the pass to set up the run. And the play calling is far less predictable.

Wow, while I think you are correct on your first point, I could not disagree with you more on your second. I now wish I charted this game so I would have the actual facts, but it sure seemed to me that all of the really big plays USC had in the running game were your standard toss sweep and that seemed to me to be well over half of the running plays. When USC passed most time it was off play action with Barkley rolling naked in the opposite direction and hitting the TE or the FB underneath or the WR 10 and out pattern.
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NFBuck;1531768; said:
To try to get this back to the game, would anybody else much prefer seeing Hines on the field a large majority of the time vice Russell. Simply put, Russell is a liability in pass coverage. He takes bad angles and doesn't seem to commit to the ball or reciever when he's thrown at. That could be a major undoing next week just like it was in the Fiesta Bowl. The OL worries me, Russell terrifies me.

I absolutely love Jer'Male. I loved the take down in the backfield yesterday. This young man gets after it and he finishes with authority. He's an asset! And, yes, Anderson leaves me lacking in confidence.

USCStephen;1531816; said:
Obviously Barkley was playing San Jose State, but I gotta give credit where credit is due. He did exactly what we want from him, to manage the game. People say Corp would be a better manager of the game etc. but Barkley did perfectly today, he took the sack twice instead of throwing it into double coverage, and he also threw it away when the play wasn't on. That's enough when USC's OL and Running backs are on like today.

Maybe it's a history of back-handed comments, but this post of yours and the others where you talk about Terrelle really kind of irritate me.

Barkley got sacked twice.
Terrelle didn't get sacked once.
Yet, your universally dominant offensive line that is going to obliterate our defensive line was "on". That's interesting to say the least unless Barkley just happened to be way outside the pocket when he took the two sacks and it wasn't the fault of your O-line. Just interesting how your perspective colors things whether you know it or not.

FTR, Navy has gone to a bowl the 7 (or 8) years. How many bowls has SJSU gone to?

Now, before I anger any of those SC posters that substantiate their POVs, I will say that I expect the USC O-line and RBs to do well.
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USCStephen;1531908; said:
The two sacks were Barkley's fault, he could have thrown the ball but instead of risking it he took the sack. Pretty simple.

Where exactly did the defenders come from? Were they blitzers that the TEs or RBs missed? Did someone on the Oline miss their assignment? Were they all outnumbered and Barkley just couldn't throw it?

What I'm getting at is that SJSU sacked Barkley TWICE. You said before (maybe out of ignorance) that the USC Oline would dominate our Dline. That says to me that you don't expect any pressure whatsoever. Thus, no sacks. Yet, SJSU sacked your QB twice. How, in all that is holy, did that happen? Someone had to slip up besides Barkley.
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NextBuck;1531763; said:
Whatever. I dont care anymore lol. Im wrong and you all are right. USC has only two good RB's and the rest are just highly touted high school players who ride the coat tails of McKnight and Johnson. Gable, Bradford, and Tyler havent proved anything worth mentioning on this level. Havili is a nice fullback, and McNeal/Shoemate shouldnt even be mentioned because they havent played a snap.

I'm wrong, and better backfields would be:
Miami 2001
Nebraska 1995
Ohio State 1975
Arkansas 2007
Auburn 2003
Nebraska 1983
USC 1979
Army 1945

Thanks for coming to your senses.

I also like the fact that pages 79 and 80 are full of rebuttals to your posts that you've since deleted :roll2:
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