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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

I didn't go to a big school so unfortunately didn't get to live through a major college football team but I do it now. Me and 3 of my buddies go to a different stadium each year to experience SEC, Big 10, Big 12 games, Pac 10 games. (We don't count the Big east). This year is Georgia vs Auburn..... Anyway I'm always scrolling through blogs etc looking for good CF forums and found this one. (It's one of the best I've seen so figured i would join)

I do have to admit that I support Michigan but in truth I'm just a die hard college football fan.
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Wow..... Ive been on here for a few years now kinda just lurking around. Figured i my as well "sound off"!! My name is Jeremy I'm a PGA golf professional here in Naples. Ive been a few places in my travels for golf. Started out in Coshocton Ohio (born and raised) Worked at The Longaberger Golf Club first 2 years it was open, Then worked at Zanesville Country Club for a year. Then I moved to Savannah GA and Hilton Head for 5 years now in Naples. I try and make it back to Columbus every fall for a game or two. Lots of Buckeyes everywhere I have been. Thanks for the great site!!!

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Snappy_Jay;1158284; said:
Wow..... Ive been on here for a few years now kinda just lurking around. Figured i my as well "sound off"!! My name is Jeremy I'm a PGA golf professional here in Naples. Ive been a few places in my travels for golf. Started out in Coshocton Ohio (born and raised) Worked at The Longaberger Golf Club first 2 years it was open, Then worked at Zanesville Country Club for a year. Then I moved to Savannah GA and Hilton Head for 5 years now in Naples. I try and make it back to Columbus every fall for a game or two. Lots of Buckeyes everywhere I have been. Thanks for the great site!!!


So you'll get me a free round if I come down from Sarasota? :biggrin:
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