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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

parrotdr;1016763; said:
Born and raised in New Orleans, went to LSU for 8 years (OK, smartasses, that's a Bachelor and a graduate degree!). Diehard fan of the Purple and Gold, and am looking forward to my friend and her husband from Columbus staying with us the week of the game!
Welcome - how do you cure parrots?
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to ALL the new folks! Enjoy your stay here on BP!
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buckeyehottie;1016608; said:
My husband is from Houma, Louisiana--will be spending Christmas down there surrounded by LSU fans:biggrin:

WOW!! didn't expect to see a Houma refernece on a Buckeye board.
I'm from (and still live in) Houma. Lifelong Tiger fan. I saw OSU play in Death Valley in '87. I was 9 years old, and that's when I found out games could end in a tie. I was pretty upset about that one. Looking forward to playing a program that gets National respect every year.
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sandgk;1016765; said:
Welcome - how do you cure parrots?

I get that a lot--actually, I'm a dentist, and the parrot refer to being a "parrothead", or Jimmy Buffett fan. I'm sure you Cincy folks can get into that, since Cincinnati is the unofficial birthplace of the term "parrothead".
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Nutriaitch;1016767; said:
I'm from (and still live in) Houma. Lifelong Tiger fan. I saw OSU play in Death Valley in '87. I was 9 years old, and that's when I found out games could end in a tie. I was pretty upset about that one. Looking forward to playing a program that gets National respect every year.

I was at that game. Ended 13-13, and the Bucks had Tom Tupa at punter and QB. There was some controversy because OSU wouldn't come out on the field before LSU, and both teams stalled in the tunnel. Finally I think they came out together. I believe OSU won the return game in Columbus.
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Nutriaitch;1016767; said:
WOW!! didn't expect to see a Houma refernece on a Buckeye board.
I'm from (and still live in) Houma. Lifelong Tiger fan. I saw OSU play in Death Valley in '87. I was 9 years old, and that's when I found out games could end in a tie. I was pretty upset about that one. Looking forward to playing a program that gets National respect every year.

My husband (is older than me) and graduated from Vandebilt in 1976, and has four younger sisters--PM me if you think you might know him!!
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parrotdr;1016787; said:
I was at that game. Ended 13-13, and the Bucks had Tom Tupa at punter and QB. There was some controversy because OSU wouldn't come out on the field before LSU, and both teams stalled in the tunnel. Finally I think they came out together. I believe OSU won the return game in Columbus.

Amazing I was at that game too. All I remember is that Tupa was an ok QB but a good punter. I think was 15 years old.
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Sup Buckeyes. Just popping in to say hello. I've been reading through some of the threads and it's good to see that most of you are level headed.

As far as the game goes, I'm one of those who is expecting a close score. I know you guys will be well motivated after last year and we'd better come ready to play.

I'm not sure what your rules are regarding the posting of links to other sites, but I'm a well respected member of Tiger Forums. You guys should pop in over there if you get a chance. I wouldn't recommend Tiger Droppings. Alot of immature fans on that site.

Take it easy.
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Hey Bucks thanks for letting me...

sign up on your board. It's a little different than the board I post on for LSU. TigerDroppings.com - LSU Football | LSU Recruiting | LSU Basketball | LSU Baseball | LSU Sports. I appreciate your rich tradition and watched you guys as a kid. The scarlet & gray are amongst my fav colors and reminds me of Christmas time for some reason. Speaking of Christmas, I feel blessed to be playing you guys in January vs. Hawaii, like our idiot brethren UGA! I look forward to some good smack from the board and welcome you to our board to do the same.

I'll participate in plenty of threads throughout but I won't flame!

tOSU vs. LSU for the BCSMNC - I have wanted this for a LOOOOONG time!

Geaux Tigers & Go Bucks!!!
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Yes, Buckeyes, I have o agree with SloMeaux--sign up on TigerDroppings.com--it's my homeboard too (though few post as much as Slo1). Similar to the Planet. Check out the OT lounge for totally uncensored outrageousness if you dare...
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First off: I am a Brit. I live in Munich, Germany. I suppose that makes me somewhat unusual around here.

I have followed what we call American Football since I was about 10 years old (this would have been in the late 80s, when it was shown on UK terrestrial TV), but never really took any interest in the college game until I met my current girlfriend, who comes from a family of Buckeye fans and whose parents and brother still live in Ohio.

The first game I saw was the shootout against Michigan last year, on TV in our local alehouse. That was it, I was hooked. I've been following the team since then (so yeah, there will be some who dismiss me as a glory hunter, bandwaggoner or whatever, but it's her family's team, what do you want me to do?), and then I stumbled across this place.

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JackBauer;1017939; said:

First off: I am a Brit. I live in Munich, Germany. I suppose that makes me somewhat unusual around here.

I have followed what we call American Football since I was about 10 years old (this would have been in the late 80s, when it was shown on UK terrestrial TV), but never really took any interest in the college game until I met my current girlfriend, who comes from a family of Buckeye fans and whose parents and brother still live in Ohio.

The first game I saw was the shootout against Michigan last year, on TV in our local alehouse. That was it, I was hooked. I've been following the team since then (so yeah, there will be some who dismiss me as a glory hunter, bandwaggoner or whatever, but it's her family's team, what do you want me to do?), and then I stumbled across this place.


I'm a Buckeye fan by marriage too, so don't worry there, you aren't alone. Welcome to the boards!
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