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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Buckeye Chris;1022592; said:
Hello everyone. Chris here, Ive been searchign forever for an Ohio State forum and im shocked that the one I could actually find is well put together. Well hope I enjoy my time here.

Also ive noticed some mebers have an NFL logo next to there join date. Can anyone tell me how to do that?

Go bucks.

Welcome Chris, Clarity has done a wonderful job on this place, lots of good discussion and information.

As for the team logos, gifts, etc next to peoples names, the vbplaza we used to buy these things has been shut down due to security issues. They are working on something more secure, but no idea when that will be available.
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Hello Buckeye Nation. My name is Joel I am originally from Cleveland,OH. I currently live in Luling, LA, about 30 mins from New Orleans. I am glad to have found a place where I can talk about the Bucks. Since around here, the talk is mostly LSU and SEC. Hope to see some of you on the 7th.

Go Bucks!!!:oh:
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:io: (I love that). Hi, I'm John in Louisiana. My three siblings and I all graduated from LSU. I hang out on tigerforums.com and saw that some of y'all have come joined us over there, and vice versa, so I figured I'd join the party.


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JohnLSU;1022819; said:
:io: (I love that). Hi, I'm John in Louisiana. My three siblings and I all graduated from LSU. I hang out on tigerforums.com and saw that some of y'all have come joined us over there, and vice versa, so I figured I'd join the party.


That is great, how long did it take you or ya'll to drink them and then spell that out. Surely ya'll thought of that before you started drinking.:lol:
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the last few days i've been wearing tank tops and shorts.
i have to ask myself, is it really December 10?
15 days until christmas?

i never really introduced myself,
but i might as well do that now.

just a 19 year old LSU fanatic looking for some good 'ole football chat.
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