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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

:psu: Here's my introduction.

First off, I'm going to say it right now, as my name implies, I'm a huge Penn State Nittany Lions fan, and I'm pissed that Penn State's stuck in the mediocore Alamo Bowl, but one optomistic possibility is three consecutive years of bowl victories. I'm not sure what the people here think of Penn State and its fans, but I probably have an idea.

One thing that Nittany Lions fans and Buckeye fans share in common is our hatred for Miss-a-field-goal-again's football team. Missagain is the ONLY Big Ten team I cheer against in bowl games. Otherwise, I'll cheer on a Big Ten team to prove those SEC teams wrong.
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PennState1985;1016064; said:
:psu: Here's my introduction.

First off, I'm going to say it right now, as my name implies, I'm a huge Penn State Nittany Lions fan, and I'm pissed that Penn State's stuck in the mediocore Alamo Bowl, but one optomistic possibility is three consecutive years of bowl victories. I'm not sure what the people here think of Penn State and its fans, but I probably have an idea.

One thing that Nittany Lions fans and Buckeye fans share in common is our hatred for Miss-a-field-goal-again's football team. Missagain is the ONLY Big Ten team I cheer against in bowl games. Otherwise, I'll cheer on a Big Ten team to prove those SEC teams wrong.
Welcome to the forums. Sorry you guys have that massive losing streak against Michigan. No one should ever have to put up with that. Good luck in your bowl game. Enjoy your stay.
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daveeb;1016091; said:
Welcome to the forums. Sorry you guys have that massive losing streak against Michigan. No one should ever have to put up with that. Good luck in your bowl game. Enjoy your stay.

Thanks for the introduction first of all. And yeah, it does suck to have a losing streak to Michigan, but it's pretty tough for the football team to play against not just Michigan's football team but also their referees and timekeepers (2002 and 2005 games). Luckily they'll be playing in Beaver Stadium next year so they can't bring their refs and timekeepers with them. :biggrin:

Hopefully Penn State wins the Alamo Bowl and hoping Ohio wins either the BCS bowl or the Rose Bowl, whichever they play in.
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LSU_Ed;1016005; said:
In the meantime, can you get us an LSU Smilie? Just for the fun of it?
Welcome and good luck in the bowl game.....just don't play too well. :)
PennState1985;1016095; said:
Thanks for the introduction first of all. And yeah, it does suck to have a losing streak to Michigan, but it's pretty tough for the football team to play against not just Michigan's football team but also their referees and timekeepers (2002 and 2005 games). Luckily they'll be playing in Beaver Stadium next year so they can't bring their refs and timekeepers with them. :biggrin:

Hopefully Penn State wins the Alamo Bowl and hoping Ohio wins either the BCS bowl or the Rose Bowl, whichever they play in.
Welcome to BP and good luck in the bowl game. Hope you guys make the Big Ten proud.
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PennState1985;1016064; said:
I'm pissed that Penn State's stuck in the mediocore Alamo Bowl

Don't be. The Alamo Bowl is actually a lot of fun and extremely affordable to attend. Yeah, it's not the BCS, nor is it a New Year's Day game, but hey -- it's also not Detroit. Break open the piggy bank and head down to San Antonio, eat some good Tex-Mex and drink a few cervezas on the Riverwalk, enjoy the nice weather, watch some football and come home with money still left in your pocket. Trust me, you'll enjoy it. Especially after your Lions take it to A&M.
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