I'm actually kind of glad this all circles back to Clarett. It serves to limit the scope of the assumed wrongdoing.
How many imbecile sportscasters have you heard on talk radio or ESPN who said "Ahha! See, I told you. Clarett was just the tip of the iceberg. The Ohio State program is riddled with scandal. The Troy Smith episode proves there's much, much more yet to be revealed"?
Well, now we've got the best possible answer. "Actually, no there isn't. There was one scumbag on the team two years ago, but he lied his way right out of tOSU program. This newest 'scandal' was his doing too. Maurice Carett was the tip of the iceberg, the submerged body of the iceberg and the entire surrounding Arctic Ocean -- all by his sorry-ass self."
Maurice is the NFL's problem now. And Alan Milstein's, once he tries to collect those legal fees.
The PR nightmare for tOSU will end once and for all when JT and crew win another NC, without Mo. That will prove, to even the harshest critics, that Mo Clarett was a festering boil on the butt of OSU's national championship, not the reason the Buckeyes won it. When we win the next one, with players like Teddy Ginn, Alex Boone and AJ Hawk, the true nature of tOSU football program will be put back in perspective. Even for those turds at ESPN.