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Single Game Football Tickets Tips

I dont know if they are using it this year but there was a grass lot just north of the woody hayes center that they were using for parking last year, and I never had a problem parking there no matter what time I got there.
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CleveBucks got it - the later kick off does not mean later arrival, it means more time to tailgate. I got in line this past weekend at 7:45am and we got tickets in 27AA - perfect for Ted's touchdowns. There were only about 150 people in line in front of us at that time. The 'line usher' did mention though that there were about a dozen people that spent the night. If they are doing that for Cincy, I can't imagine what it will be like for the bigger games. And you've got to figure that there will be fewer tickets available to begin with, so if you plan on going this weekend and later in the Big10 season, you might want to beat the sun there if you want seats...
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Yeah last year for texas we got there at 5:45am, and it made for a long day. Some of the people I think set up the night before. Most of the smaller lots have very hardcore tailgaters. The number of people around us have DirectTV and generators. It is just crazy. In my last 3 or so years there, it doesn't matter who we are playing, when the kickoff is or what the weather is like, it is always full and full early.
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I have a couple of questions (Sorry if they are Noob questions, I have only been to games when i was a student).

1. Is the ticket office CASH ONLY or can I charge the tickets?
2. How much are the tickets? (So, I know how much to take out if it is cash only)
3. Where exactly do I wait. Here is a numbered picture of the schott layout. If any one could just tell me what number on the map is the right place it would be greatly appreciated.

4. Anyone here camping out tonight? It would be awesome to meet some of you.


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Face value is roughly $62 per ticket. I'm fairly certain they take credit cards, unless they change their policy on gameday. The line is at the SE corner (intersection of Lane Ave. and Olentangy River Rd.).

There's talk of a huge availability of tickets from brokers and scalpers because of the bad weather, so I'd be careful about buying tickets with the intent of scalping for a profit.
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Sorry for the delay in responding to these questions (at least one post was directed at me), but here goes:

Everyone gets a wristband, and you MUST have a wristband to purchase tickets. You will not, however, receive your wristband until the employees show up around 7:30. In other words, if you get there before 7:30, just get in line. Once the employees get there, they'll start passing out wristbands.

The wristbands ARE numbered, but you must be in line. The people at the ticket window don't even check to see if you have a wristband, let alone what the number on it is - the people outside do that. You are allowed to leave the line for bathroom breaks and things like that, but if you leave for a significant amount of time, you will probably not get your place in line back.

I'm not 100% on this, but I'm pretty sure the ticket window WILL accept credit cards.

If you want tickets for PSU, get there early. If you aren't in line before 7:30, you probably won't get tickets.

If you are at the very front of the line (1st 20 people or so), it seems you are virtually guaranteed tickets between the 40's. After that, they quality (location) of the tickets goes downhill pretty fast.

PSU will be the first "big" game that I will have tried doing this. I have no idea how early "early" is, but I know that people got into line for the UC game around 5 am.

The ticket office says that they will open five hours prior to kickoff. Last week (UC), they didn't open until 8, and for Northern Illinois, they opened at 9 (3:30 kickoff), so I have no idea what the accurate timing is. My guess is 8, since everything was a clusterfuck for the NIU game (only one window open, and nobody seemed to know what was going on). It was much smoother for the UC game.

Parking is simple. I'm virtually positive you can park in any lot you can get into. The parking employees get down there and are on duty by 4 am. The best place to park, IMO, is the lot between the Alumni Center (Longaberger) and Fawcett, although that will likely be filled by 9. Otherwise, just park where you can and hike it to the Schott.
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Thank you for the quick response. I was actually thinking about camping out tonight. (To me, that is part of the fun). I just don't want to be out there with a bunch of scalpers instead of fans. I was hoping to buy 4 tix and sell two to cover the cost of the tix. (Still on a student's budget)
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