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Single Game Football Tickets Tips

They aren't allowing the scalpers to have people hold their place in line anymore. Last week they tossed a scalper out of line because he kept leaving the line to walk around and talk to other scalpers...he was pissed. You have to get a bracelet now, which they give you when you get there, and then they take it off after you buy your tickets. Because there are people watching outside, it's harder for the scalpers to cheat. I'm not typically an asshole, but when I saw scalpers jumping into line in front of me, especially after they had just bought tickets (they were trying to get back into line to buy more), I caused a ruckus until they left.
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Nice, FKA.

Does someone walk around and hand out the wristbands ? Does that mean you don't need to stand in line until your number is called or are the wristbands not numbered?

Anythingthat would piss off a scalper is fine by me.
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If I were to try and get tickets there EARLY saturday morning, where would I be able to park? Could I park in the lot at the schott? If not what about the lot across the street? Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Another successful day at the ticket office! :osu:

I didn't stand in line today because I didn't have anyone come with me to the game, but I stopped by to check it out and provide an update.

Unlike the home opener, it looks like the ticket office opened at 8:00 a.m. today (the typical time for last year). This week, though the line was in the exact same place (along the outside, Lane Ave. wall of the Schott), it actually led inside the building to one of the Will Call windows because the computer for the regular Game Day ticket sales window was 'down'....So always ask before you get into a line. The same two Ticket Employees are always wandering around outside to help (an older lady and gentleman). Look for them and save yourself the wasted time of getting in the wrong line....though it's pretty obvious once you see it.

And as people started purchasing tickets I was told they were again buying 50 yard line AA seats at 4 per person if they so desired.

So, game 2 vs. Cincinnati...Game Day Tickets available at face value. Chu-ching!

Game 3 vs. Penn State??? Give it a shot. I know I have friends and family coming over and we'll be in line around 7:30 or so. See ya there. :biggrin:

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Not positive about the wrist bands, but I think so...it was pretty standard last year to help keep line-jumping from being a problem.

And this week, it appears that they were only letting one person at a time going up to the window (they kept everyone else outside until it was the next person's turn) to help keep the line moving quicker...basicly to keep 4 & 5 scalpers from all going up there at the same time asking the window employee a hundred different ticket combinations while on their cell phones...hope it worked. Maybe someone in the line could comment on the speed it was moving today.
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Thanks a lot Padraig!

Went today and needed three tickets. Got 2 in a deck and 1 in AA deck at the fourty.

The outside window was broke they said and they only allowed four people inside at a time. Limit of four tickets. We got there at 7:30 and got tickets by 8:45.

I'll see ya there next week.

Edit- They are giving wrist bands out to anyone waiting in line.
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I think technically you're supposed to be in line and the wrist bands just show who's where and keeps people from "saving" spots for their friends (i.e., 1 guy gets up at 6:30 then 5 or 6 show up and hop in with him at 7:45). But I've seen scalpers jump in and out, walk around to talk to their scalper friends, even walk down the street toward Holiday Inn, then come back and as long as they have their band (they are numbered) the "Line Ushers" let them back in.

So I guess maybe it's more to the side of "technically" you don't have to wait in line since the wrist bands are numbered. But my guess is that if dozens of people show up until they get a wrist band, then walk down to Holiday Inn for breakfast and show back up at 7:55, then there might be some trouble...

Plus there is usually a Sherrif standing around, both inside and outside. And while the "ushers" seem pretty lenient (sp?), he isn't. I've seen him kick a few people out of line this year and last. I think one guy (a scalper, as usual) got in line and got a wrist band @ his proper place, then went to the back of the then current line and got another wrist band for that spot. So while he was in line close to the front, then got his tickets (but the line was still growing behind him) he tried to got back in line at the place he got his 2nd wrist band (since they are numbered) so he wouldn't have to go to the very back of the then existing line ...but people in line didn't have it obviously, so the wrist bands help, but I believe you are still supposed to stay in line. They help keep cutters from inserting themselves into line more than meant to allow everyone else to leave and return. At least that's my take on what the 'spirit' of the wrist bands are.

I guess the short answer would have been, "ask someone there who knows and they'll be able to do better than my 'half asleep. morning ramblings.'" :biggrin:
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