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Single Game Football Tickets Tips

Liljake351;1289742; said:
OK so to get this straight. For the Penn State game, my best bet would be to try and find the tickets online from ticketmaster during the week leading up to the game?? I went on ticketmaster now and no tickets are available. If I do want to try this line down at the Schott, what time do you think I should arrive for the game. Since it is a night game is it still the same early morning?

Yes, wait until the week of the game and start searching TM.com around Wednesday. The Purdue game pulled up no tickets for me until Wednesday, when some C deck seats starting appearing. Then on Thursday there were more C deck along with some B's. Friday came along and I got 21AA.

So don't worry that you can't pull anything up right now.

TM.com stops selling seats online Friday evening, but the retail locations like Kroger will sell and print them until 9PM. If Ticketmaster doesn't work out for you, I believe you can still go down to the Schott around 8 AM and see what they have. For some of the OOC games I had to go down there to pick up my ticket from Will Call and there were fans waiting in line to purchase.

Hope this helps! I've gotten great AA seats from TM.com for every home game thus far this season. :)
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wouldn't get your hopes up though, it'll be very hard to get some on ticketmaster for this game. Probably will be hosted by college gameday as well. I'm not sure about waiting in the line, but it's going to be tough getting tickets for that too i'm sure. I could be wrong though...
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If I recall correctly, outside of "The Game" the Penn State game has been the toughest to get a ticket to in the talked about ways in this thread (on-line / standing in line at the Ticket Office morning of Game-Day) at least the last few seasons when this has been a Home game for the Bucks.

Last Home game vs. State Penn they did sell tickets day of the game, but less than 200 tickets (we were about 50th in line or so and got nothing...except real close to the window right before it closed). And if I recall correctly, they may have sold a handfull of tix on line the Friday before, but again, not many at all.
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NateG;1305199; said:
anyone know if they sold tix from the window this morning?

No they didn't. We got there about 6:45 am and there about 30 or so people in line. About 9:00 they handed out wristbands and told us to come back at 4:00 pm. When we got there about 3:30, they came out and told us the there were no tickets available.
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NateG;1323762; said:
What are peoples thoughts on the window for the scUM game this year. I know last home game was a blank but this year isnt 1 v 2 either.

I'm interested in this as well. I'm coming down to columbus for the weekend and would happily get up early if i thought I could get tickets at face value.
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Ebay Tickets

I had assumed that people knew about this, but on the chance they don't, I decided to post. If you plan on buying tickets off Ebay, you can get 25% off a "buy it now" price using live.com. You get the 25% back in the form of a rebate (don't have to mail anything in) and it takes 60 days, but it isn't a gimmick, and I have aleady received $200 back. Given the lowered demand, you might do better to wait until the game for a lower price, but if you want something in hand, just wanted to make sure everyone knew about this. If you have any questions about this, you can PM me, or post, and I'll try to help.

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bdubbers;1324291; said:
I'm interested in this as well. I'm coming down to columbus for the weekend and would happily get up early if i thought I could get tickets at face value.

Below is the result of 3 hours in sub-20 degree weather (got there at 5 AM):


and this is a pic with no zoom (resized and quality reduced for sake of bandwidth):


I cannot thank Paddraig and others enough for this tip (my son found this thread and we figured it was worth a try)! There is no doubt that Michigan's record and the cold enabled tickets to be available, but I never dreamed I'd been this close, certainly not at FACE VALUE. Incredible. Even more incredible is that all four of us got seats together. 19AA is the "field access" section so we were sitting on plastic chairs in a main aisle with plenty of space. Those are recruits in front of us and we even got to say hello to Laurinaitis and Robo's dads. Other than the cold (and who cares) the only drawback was a Nazi usher (LMAO). She was hell bent on keeping all seated and had deputies in her hip pocket as needed. We took notice of a woman in a wheelchair that was next to us when we arrived and planned to assure she had a clear view, but the usher said the people behind us were complaining, I found that hard to believe as they were elevated by at least 2.5 - 3 feet. None the less, it was an awesome viewpoint to watch our Buckeyes set history with a 5th consecutive win.
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woodyhayes68;1336445; said:
Below is the result of 3 hours in sub-20 degree weather (got there at 5 AM):


and this is a pic with no zoom (resized and quality reduced for sake of bandwidth):


I cannot thank Paddraig and others enough for this tip (my son found this thread and we figured it was worth a try)! There is no doubt that Michigan's record and the cold enabled tickets to be available, but I never dreamed I'd been this close, certainly not at FACE VALUE. Incredible. Even more incredible is that all four of us got seats together. 19AA is the "field access" section so we were sitting on plastic chairs in a main aisle with plenty of space. Those are recruits in front of us and we even got to say hello to Laurinaitis and Robo's dads. Other than the cold (and who cares) the only drawback was a Nazi usher (LMAO). She was hell bent on keeping all seated and had deputies in her hip pocket as needed. We took notice of a woman in a wheelchair that was next to us when we arrived and planned to assure she had a clear view, but the usher said the people behind us were complaining, I found that hard to believe as they were elevated by at least 2.5 - 3 feet. None the less, it was an awesome viewpoint to watch our Buckeyes set history with a 5th consecutive win.

First off, awesome seats!!!

I had a friend in line about 25th back(didn't get there until about 7:30 :shake:) and he got "shut out". I was told that there were only about 35 tix to sell, and they were allowing 2 per person to purchase.

Secondly, I want to apologize to you for the behavior of the "nazi usher" in your section. Not she, nor do the police have the right to make you or anyone else sit down or threaten any repercussions if you don't (only if you're being belligerent, publically drunk, using fowl language, etc.). In fact we are told specifically that when a guest purchases that seat, they purchase the space from that seat infinitely skyward, i.e. they can stand and sit when they choose (standing the entire game if they please, or up and down as often as they like and as they see fit). She was out of line as were the cops (if they told you to take a seat as well).

If you or someone else (I know you wouldn't want to leave your seats at a Michigan Game to boot to hunt down the powers that be) would have chosen to complain to Guest Services, then those harrassing you would have been told the same, and those police and Ushers telling you that false info would have been repremanded...

...and I'm serious when I say this, If you'd like to pm me a little more specific info regarding the situation, then I'd be more than happy to pass along your complaint through the proper channels. (otherwise, I'll still probably mention it just in general at the next meeting / orientation we attend)

Again though, I'm glad you got tix and got to see a great game with your son. It obviously works on a much more limited basis for the "Big Games", but it still works none the less. :biggrin:

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woodyhayes68;1336445; said:
Below is the result of 3 hours in sub-20 degree weather (got there at 5 AM):


and this is a pic with no zoom (resized and quality reduced for sake of bandwidth):


I cannot thank Paddraig and others enough for this tip (my son found this thread and we figured it was worth a try)! There is no doubt that Michigan's record and the cold enabled tickets to be available, but I never dreamed I'd been this close, certainly not at FACE VALUE. Incredible. Even more incredible is that all four of us got seats together. 19AA is the "field access" section so we were sitting on plastic chairs in a main aisle with plenty of space. Those are recruits in front of us and we even got to say hello to Laurinaitis and Robo's dads. Other than the cold (and who cares) the only drawback was a Nazi usher (LMAO). She was hell bent on keeping all seated and had deputies in her hip pocket as needed. We took notice of a woman in a wheelchair that was next to us when we arrived and planned to assure she had a clear view, but the usher said the people behind us were complaining, I found that hard to believe as they were elevated by at least 2.5 - 3 feet. None the less, it was an awesome viewpoint to watch our Buckeyes set history with a 5th consecutive win.

When we were watching the game on ABC broadcast, the coverage cut to Paul MacGuire who was broadcasting from the pod that is right in front of your seats.
Not to go OT on your wonderful experience, but I cannot believe the kinds of access and privilege that tv cameras and broadcasters usurp without consideration of vision lines of ticket buyers.
Maybe some others would know if that is a "permanent pod" for broadcasting coverage. Cameraman plus MacGuire blocks a lot of sight lines.
The pod obviously hinders your view and many other of those recruits in front of you.
Based on the sight hindrance I can't say I would blame you for wanting to stand during plays when your vision is effected by the camera pod, if not the whole time!
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