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Single Game Football Tickets Tips

Kickdown02;1247492; said:
It's faster to call the local ticketmaster number and buy them through the automated system. I did that, picked them up at Will Call at the Schott. Bought 3 together for my parents and brother!

Does anyone know if you have to call a Columbus area ticketmaster in order to get OSU tickets or if you can call any ticketmaster nationwide and pick them up anywhere? I'm out of state, but if I can get tickets to a game, I would gladly fly in! :biggrin:

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buckeye4life69;1247523; said:
Does anyone know if you have to call a Columbus area ticketmaster in order to get OSU tickets or if you can call any ticketmaster nationwide and pick them up anywhere? I'm out of state, but if I can get tickets to a game, I would gladly fly in! :biggrin:


Shouldn't matter, but if your local ticketmaster doesn't offer them, just call the Columbus ticket master and have them mail the tix to you. I don't see why any ticketmaster wouldn't be able to sell them, though.

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O.K., just a quick word about Game Day ticket sales for the OU game.

I didn't even walk by the Schott until about 8:30 / 8:45 (I think), and only from across the street so I have no specifics. But I did observe that the public ticket sales window was open and a small line of maybe 20 people still buying tickets.

Don't know how good the seats were...don't know if people were getting 2 or more together, just that tickets were appearantly still available for face value (minus the ticketmaster "convenience fee" even :biggrin:) approx. 3 hours prior to kickoff this past Saturday.

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Wow, I was still drunk from the night before, but I managed to haul my old *** down to the ticket window at the Schott to stand in line with the scalpers and other Buckeye fans. I arrived there about 7:15 (I think) and was 12th in line. They were selling 4 tickets/person, and many people in front of me were getting 15AA. I was thrilled with the 4 seats I was able to get in 20A row 30. Seats 1,2,3, &4. (About 34 yard line, east side of stadium). Nice! I hope I am so lucky for the Penn State game, but not counting on it. Thanks again Padraig for sharing this great way to get tix.:oh: :io:
addendum: I was able to pay with my credit card.
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grnvllbuck;1253090; said:
Wow, I was still drunk from the night before, but I managed to haul my old *** down to the ticket window at the Schott to stand in line with the scalpers and other Buckeye fans. I arrived there about 7:15 (I think) and was 12th in line. They were selling 4 tickets/person, and many people in front of me were getting 15AA. I was thrilled with the 4 seats I was able to get in 20A row 30. Seats 1,2,3, &4. (About 34 yard line, east side of stadium). Nice! I hope I am so lucky for the Penn State game, but not counting on it.

Does anyone know if these tickets are available on ticketmaster at the same time? If so, I could have someone buy them for me as I drive to C'bus from Dayton and then pick them up at will-call. Or maybe call myself when the ticket office opens.
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For what it's worth, I checked ticketmaster Friday afternoon, and the best four seats together were up in the corner of south stands....31B if my memory serves me right. I knew I could do better standing in line Saturday morning, and I did. If you were to order them that close to game time through ticketmaster, you would pick them up at the will call window inside the Schottenstein center (there is separate line to wait in for will call).

There were a number of people inside the ticket office that seemed to be manning several computers. Not sure if they were logging in tickets being returned, or involved in online/phone sales. My transaction (credit card) went quickly, however for some of the people ahead of me, it took a long time....one guy, I swear, it took what seemed to be 10 minutes, and others (like me), maybe a minute and a half.

Last year, I remember someone posting about not being able to pay with a credit card....and as a former business owner, I know sometimes those machines can be fickle. I had cash on hand for the tix just in case, and that will be my plan in the future.
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A couple of us on here bought our tickets from Ticketmaster online around 4:30 PM on Friday. I ended up in 22AA and another poster was also in 20something AA section. It just depends on when you try to pull up seats. Because when I tried about an hour earlier, I couldn't find anything that good.

I'd just keep an eye on TM.com routinely to see what you can get. Some great seats are released throughout the day.
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pollsfriend;1289391; said:
Are these tickets on sale every week? This may be a stupid question, but I would like to attend the Penn State game. Does anyone know what the odds are of any tickets being released?

Based on my experiences this season, including this week, I would expect there to be tickets released on Ticketmaster.com the week of the PSU game.

I know they did that presale last month for the remaining home games that sold out super fast, but I was able to go to Ticketmaster the day or 2 before every home game this season and pick up a GREAT seat. I was in 21AA (at the 50 yd line) for the Purdue game.

Basically, I'd just keep an eye on Ticketmaster once it gets to Wed./Thurs. during a home game week. Seats start to get released and you may score a gem!
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OK so to get this straight. For the Penn State game, my best bet would be to try and find the tickets online from ticketmaster during the week leading up to the game?? I went on ticketmaster now and no tickets are available. If I do want to try this line down at the Schott, what time do you think I should arrive for the game. Since it is a night game is it still the same early morning?
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