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Single Game Football Tickets Tips

I stood in line for about 45 min. Got about 20 people from the front of the line, and they told everyone they were sold out. Waste of time...I ended up paying 200 for a pair from a guy with no teeth.....ugh

Moral of the story, yes they had tickets, but I should have gotten there ealier.

The old man working secutity in the line said the same guys sleeps in a hammoc each week and he got AA 50 yard lime pair, almost each week. Keep in mind he sleeps outside all night.

I would guess that 80% of the people standing in line next to me were "professionals" or scalpers, and I must say these scalpers need to get together and get dental insurance, most of them had messed up teeth....
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For the OSU/Illinois debacle: Myself and two friends showed up at the Schott around 8am (approx). There was a little old lady there with the numbered bracelets. No one else was there (about 40 people had gotten their bracelets ahead of us and would return later). She told us to return by 10 am, and the ticket window would be opening at 11am (which it did). The older gentleman who sometimes passes out the numbered bracelets told us there were plenty of tickets available, but each of us was limited to buying 2 tickets, and not the usual 4. The three of us were able to get 6 tickets together in 39A row 40 (one row behind the Block O section). That row is not the usual seating. It is comprised of folding chairs with a rail in front. They were actually pretty good seats. Plenty of leg room, and no one behind us with their knees in our backs. The cute coeds sitting in front of us were an added bonus :biggrin:.
Another friend of ours arrived after we did, and was approx. 100th in line. He obtained a pair in 15AA (around the 10 yard line in the lowest section). He stated the guy behind him was the last to receive a pair of seats together. I was told that after that, only singles were available.
Hope this is helpful, and thanks to Padraig and the others who made me aware of this great way to get tickets.
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Well, I got 3 pretty good singles Thursday night, but I needed 3 seats together. I was able to sell 2 of the singles over the phone for $100 each before we even got to campus, and the buyers all made good on the deal. So I thought I was in good shape with only 1 left to sell. We got over to Schottenstein around 8 and got wristbands--we were about number 50 in line. Came back at 10:30 and got in line. This was so much smoother than when we waited in line last year without the wristbands.

A bunch of people in front of us were all getting south stands. I really didn't care as long as we could sit together. As we got up to the window, a bunch of tickets in AA were released. I was offered 9AA. Since I could only get 2, my friend needed just 1 and we wanted to sit together. The lady said she had 3 together in 27C row 2, no where near as good as 9AA, but still not bad especially since they were together. Here's where the trouble started--I forgot it was cash only! Yes, I was the idiot who didn't have enough money. And thanks so much to the guy who let us borrow $60 until my wife got back with more cash. So I thought it had all worked out--I got my 3 tickets and went off to sell the last of the singles. Walked down to Lane Avenue, looked at the tickets, and I had the 2 AA tickets and 1 C deck ticket! She gave me the wrong ones in all the confusion and I didn't even look! So I ended up trading those 3 tickets, plus my single in B deck for 3 seats together in the nosebleeds of 29C. The only consolation was that we were together. So I gave up lots of good seats, ate $100 in the trade, sat in crappy seats, and watched us lose:( But we still had a blast!

So lessons learned: with the wristbands, you can get there early, pick one up, then go back about your tailgating. Always have enough CASH available. And always check your tickets before leaving the window!! Can't wit till next year!
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"Cash Only" is news to me. I've used credit and bank cards on several, several occasions (not this season...haven't had the need for tickets this year, so maybe this is a new policy :confused:)

Glad to hear that people got tickets at each game. Thanks to all who have reported in this year to keep the info exchange going.

Despite the crappy loss on the last Home Game of the year, it was another great season in the 'Shoe. See you all there next year. :wink2:

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Got there at about 5:35 and was 18th in line. At 6:30 they handed out the wristbands and everyone dispersed. The number of the first guy in line ended in "51". We got seats in 35A, Row 27. When the girl at the window offered 35A I asked her if she had anything low in C Deck to which she replied, that's the best I have, not "let me check" or anything helpful. I guess I could've pressed the issue, but frankly I was just happy to get tickets. Our entire row must have been turned back in as they started with seat 1 and went all the way across. Once we got into the stadium the only people in the row who had actually stood in line were us and an Illinois guy that was about 4 behind me.

Kind of disappointing that people who got there much later than we did ended up with better seats, but I guess that's the luck of the draw. The guy handing out the wristbands said that for the Wisconsin game there were only 32 tickets turned back in, so I guess that's better than standing out there for nothing.

Oh, and I did use my debit card to pay so maybe their machine was down later on because early on they were accepting cards and cash.
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That cash only thing IS a good thing to know. However, in my case I doubt I could ever use it but I have friends in Cbus that will. But by the time I could get people up and get to the Schott from Dayton, I'd never get any. I'll just stick with hangonsloopy.com and get the best I can. My friend picked up 3 singles at 6 PM Friday so I got to go to 5 games this year the most since I graduated and it was all due to the BP. I didn't know about these tickets until I started reading this forum. Years ago when they had extra tickets the ticket office would email alumni about them. Now, it's first come first serve for anyone. Anyway, it's time to get over the loss and beat Meatchicken!!

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