Padraig....thanks for the concern, but I am completely content with how it went down. I suppose that is primarily because of the wheelchair bound woman sitting next to us. As I said, I intended on making sure that myself and my son / nephews were not impeding her view (at least as best we could). While the seat nazi attributed the complaint to those behind us, I tend to think that she was probably trying to look out for the woman in the wheelchair, but didn't want to call her out in case we were some kind of jerks. Despite having to be conscious of how we were following / celebrating what was a great and historic game, we had a great time.
gracelhink....I understand what you are saying, but it is those cameras that pay the bills and also bring the game home to us when we can't attend. That is easy for me to say since there were only a few times that the pod was in my way, but I gave McGuire some good natured hell when it happened. I doubt if he heard me, but I had fun with it.
I would imagine that those that sat lower did have more problems, but that is the nature of the beast, so to speak. The lowest I have ever sat was in '96 against the Badgers in the 3rd row with some of Whisky's students. I had to try to look around cameras and the Wisconsin players during that one. Distracting yes, but I'll put up with those things any day if I can get that low.
I will say that if the pod had been a major problem I would have had a conversation with the usher and accompaning deputies with consideration given to anyone not capable of standing.
gracelhink....I understand what you are saying, but it is those cameras that pay the bills and also bring the game home to us when we can't attend. That is easy for me to say since there were only a few times that the pod was in my way, but I gave McGuire some good natured hell when it happened. I doubt if he heard me, but I had fun with it.

I will say that if the pod had been a major problem I would have had a conversation with the usher and accompaning deputies with consideration given to anyone not capable of standing.