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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

My biggest complaint about the 90's was "maybe we'd stop losing 4 games a year if we cheated as well as the SEC."

This is pretty much where we got to after Tressel in a way. We sucked at cheating. We didn't suck on the field while cheating, we sucked at getting away with some kindergarten level stuff while the SEC was just telling the NCAA to go fuck itself when they asked anything about the Immaculate Donation to Cam Newton's family church.
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This is pretty much where we got to after Tressel in a way. We sucked at cheating. We didn't suck on the field while cheating, we sucked at getting away with some kindergarten level stuff while the SEC was just telling the NCAA to go fuck itself when they asked anything about the Immaculate Donation to Cam Newton's family church.

Well for whatever it's worth; yes I was excited when Tressel got burned because I thought "this guy is kicking our face in, we can get back in this rivalry if he's gone..."

*Stares in Urban Meyer*

But also; I never blamed Tressel for what he did. The NCAA fished as hard as they could to catch the guy in a lie and the lie was about protecting his players, not gaining a competitive advantage. I think they did him dirty and since it didn't do us any favors, it's easy to admit that.

As for Harbaugh, like I said in the other thread a couple of days ago; I'm done. If he wants to use this to leave, let him. I'm not buying the theory that it doesn't matter how much our recruiting classes suck; they were better before you started doing this dance every year and we're more or less recruiting sub-Sparty now. So if he wants to get righteous and piss off, I'm all for it. Even if yes, I know, it's going to be hard to get a coach better than Harbaugh on short notice and with the Michigan cult's stupid rules. But it should be PRETTY EASY to recruit better without him.

Also: the person who said above that if we'd played the 2020 schedule, Harbaugh woulda been fired is 100% right. We woulda lost to you guys by 50 and it was ALREADY a 4 losses season (in six games.) I was getting ready for the announcement he was fired; and I think most Michigan fans felt the same way, regardless of whether or not they WANTED him to stay (very few of us did at that point.)
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Wouldn't Hairball's suspension carry over to the NFL, just like Tressel and Pryor?

Say what one will about Urban, but he took his lumps, gritted his teeth and waited until the season was over before resigning. He didn't start hiking his skirt at the NFL while trying to say that he was doing it only because he was too pure and noble for college football.
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He won't get Tresseled because the initial violations aren't as serious as they were with Tressel. But the lying is always worse than the actual violations to the NCAA. He will probably get suspended a few games (likely just their scrub OOC games) and then move on. Not sure that's enough for him to bolt, unless he just throws a autistic fit over it and rage quits.

All I know is that, if I'm his wife, I'm locking myself in the bathroom when he storms into the house all raging, sex nuts and retard strong.
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Say what one will about Urban, but he took his lumps, gritted his teeth and waited until the season was over before resigning. He didn't start hiking his skirt at the NFL while trying to say that he was doing it only because he was too pure and noble for college football.
And Urb was consistently elite...and won THREE national championships. People up there have short memories. They've forgotten that just 2 years ago they were ready to be rid of Simple Jim's underachieving ass. His first 6 years were totally underwhelming and 2020 was an unmitigated disaster. Suddenly in 2021, he stumbles into a veteran roster and soft schedule. Even moreso in 2022 thanks to the COVID rule allowing kids another year of eligibility. That isn't going to go on forever.
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“Small-minded and insolent.”

In 2005 when I was sincerely trying to help Will and Jo and Vince keep this board afloat by offering my services gratis, I felt an obligation to this site.

And you have the temerity to call me small-minded and insolent 17 years later? Fuck all the way off. Fuck you, you ignorant asshole.


Only option is to go full Shawshank. 30 days in the hole.
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The man of integrity is also a religious hypocrite

Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.
- Leviticus 19:11

The Level I violation, which is considered the most serious by the NCAA, is levied against Harbaugh for providing false or misleading information, according to the source.

More funny considering the amount of claims that he is a "man of his word" because of his strong religious convictions.
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I feel like our awkward interactions stem from the fact that no matter what I say, you're pretty sure I'm an MGoBlog slappy and respond accordingly. I know we cheat; I'm 45 not 12. I wish we'd cheat more. My biggest complaint about the 90's was "maybe we'd stop losing 4 games a year if we cheated as well as the SEC."

I'm just not that guy man. But thanks for the hot tip.
I think all our interactions go awry because you THINK I'm trying to slam YOU for being a Michigan fan. I'm not. I never have been.
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