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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I remain steadfast in my belief that all of the rumors or reports of NFL interest is planted by his agent.

No one wants to deal with this grating, unaware dickhead.

He hates where he is at. His current boss has dared him to quit via his contract for 3 years running and no one at the place he wants to go, want anything to do with him.

Prove me wrong
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I remain steadfast in my belief that all of the rumors or reports of NFL interest is planted by his agent.

No one wants to deal with this grating, unaware dickhead.

He hates where he is at. His current boss has dared him to quit via his contract for 3 years running and no one at the place he wants to go, want anything to do with him.

Prove me wrong

Maybe you win this time Jaxbuck; this just came from the UM Football twitter account and while I'm hurting, and afraid to believe, it does at least KINDA sound like Jim is about getting more money and he's staying? Kinda? I can't speak this man's language because it's barely English.

So maybe you're right? I dunno anymore. All I know is "it was all good just a week ago."
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So no NFL team wants to give into his full control demands again. Got it.

I don't believe for a second that he had "zero itch" and they were all just rumors. You can't tell me Harbaugh just has random conversations with the Carolina Panthers owner.

He's found the loop hole though in that he can pretend he "wasn't actively seeking" a NFL job so his supporters will defend that "he never went against his word". But yes a TRUE MICHIGAN MAN! who puts his team and fans through this ringer every year :lol:
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Too Fucking funny

I just realized that the cool part here is that he said 2023 specifically, so looking forward to 11 months of trying to parse out whether or not he's gone NEXT year after (presumably) JJ goes to the NFL and we lose a ton of guys to expired eligibility.

Fun times. Michigan's greatest rival remains... Michigan. With all due respect for OSU and Sparty.
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I just realized that the cool part here is that he said 2023 specifically, so looking forward to 11 months of trying to parse out whether or not he's gone NEXT year after (presumably) JJ goes to the NFL and we lose a ton of guys to expired eligibility.

Fun times. Michigan's greatest rival remains... Michigan. With all due respect for OSU and Sparty.
Every year after he promised not to do it every year. So basically until someone gets desperate enough to give him what he wants or you kick him out the door for doing this every year
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Every year after he promised not to do it every year. So basically until someone gets desperate enough to give him what he wants or you kick him out the door for doing this every year

Yep. The super rube part of DFBIA can claim he's not "actively" pursuing a job all he wants. But he is sure fucking actively listening/waiting for a team finally to say "fuck it give him what he wants lets bring him on"

Hell it could really still be this year. He still is sticking with the "No one knows the future!" crap. Denver could go full tard and decide they want to give him 100% control of everything and he would be gone in a heartbeat.
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They managed to keep Mazi Smith's felony weapons thing completely silent nearly until the season was over. Wouldn't shock me if they did the same with something that woulda been a fairly minor somewhat insignificant NCAA infraction for a long time until it somehow came to the NCAA's attention.

We all know that a attempted cover up and lying is the absolute worst thing in the NCAAs mind.

Exactly. That's what brought Tressel down, not the free tattoos. On a university level, our response is what rendered our verdict "failure to monitor" instead of the nuclear option "lack of institutional control."
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Yep. The super rube part of DFBIA can claim he's not "actively" pursuing a job all he wants. But he is sure fucking actively listening/waiting for a team finally to say "fuck it give him what he wants lets bring him on"

Hell it could really still be this year. He still is sticking with the "No one knows the future!" crap. Denver could go full tard and decide they want to give him 100% control of everything and he would be gone in a heartbeat.
You all know it’s going to be the Browns when it finally happens, right?
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I remain steadfast in my belief that all of the rumors or reports of NFL interest is planted by his agent.

No one wants to deal with this grating, unaware dickhead.

He hates where he is at. His current boss has dared him to quit via his contract for 3 years running and no one at the place he wants to go, want anything to do with him.

Prove me wrong

I don't know about that. Given some of the owners out there, I think odds are there about half a dozen that would look at Simple Jim and say, "YES PLEASE!"

Now, the Vikings weren't on that list. I will always believe that the Vikings GM (who had been in the SF front office during Simple Jim's time there) brought him up there specifically to publicly humiliate him and send him back to AA with his tail between his legs as payback for what Simple Jim did to him and the rest of the front office in SF.
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With the "tard wrangler" being gone it shouldn't be long until we start seeing some more kooky shit again from Harbaugh. Him being free to be himself again without someone holding his hand can't possibly be a good thing for scUM, especially with TWO YEARS of pent up craziness in that head of his, unless they found someone right away to step in and be able to capably take over those duties
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