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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I don't know anyone who thinks Chicago is equal to NYC. NYC and London are pretty much in a class by themselves. That being said, Chicago is in the conversation, and you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about to be saying otherwise.


Can all these different rankings using different methodologies yet all coming to the same conclusion be wrong?

Seriously, where do you want to start: Fortune 500 HQs, global law, architecture and advertising firm HQs. Top 20 universities in global rankings (Chicago and Northwestern). Scientific research (Fermilab and Batavia). Only city in the country that can rival NYC for cultural institutions. One of the three US cities given a Michelin Guide for the dining scene. Third largest diplomatic community in the country after DC and NYC.

Hey great, you like a city with a lot of fat girls and a super high homicide rate. But you started off by extremely overrating it's importance to Michigan's sports program by talking about any potential of Chicago media influencing a decision on Harbaugh. Nothing you have written since has backed up that statement. Top 20 universities in Chicago they don't care about sports have nothing to do with how protective the Michigan community is and will be of Harbaugh. Same goes with Michelin reviewers or architects.

Harbaugh's downfall can only come if he pisses off the right people in this state, Ross, or a few people in NYC.

Going to edit this to put in one disclaimer. I do live in the Detoilet area for work. Hopefully for the short term. I am certainly not trying to claim anything here is better than Chicago except for one area: better outdoor activities. Chicago people all have to go to another state - thereby transferring wealth away from the state. Michigan does have some great outdoor options though of course they pale in comparison to the Western part of this country.
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Which is what I thought I was being clear on. If he goes off the rails with media members or other coaches or melts down in any way, it becomes a national story. And anyone who thinks the corridors of power at UM are going to brush off Harbaugh and the university getting ripped to shreds in the Chicago media doesn't have a clue. And FWIW, Harbaugh will be getting ripped to shreds in the NYT too, and the UM administration will care even more about that. Depending on the severity of the incidents, it may not mean the end for him but will definitely be the end of the honeymoon whether the Walmart Wolverines like it or not.

If he can take his meds and not go psycho then he truly will have at least a five year window to turn things around.
For this, it's a matter of "when", not "if." Look at his first year in SF. Almost out of the gate he ruffled feathers with his post-game hand shake antics against Detroit/Jim Schwartz. It's pretty well established he gives no fucks about what others think about him. He's good for at least one major sideline tantrum every game. He'll be short/gruff with the press when he doesn't like the line of questioning. It's one thing to be that way in the NFL...it's a whole other ballgame when you act that way in college, at a snooty program like scUM with their blue hair power broker alumni and administration.

It'll be an interesting study to see how their dumb ass fan base deals with him bursting blood vessels and flailing around like a stricken wildebeest on the sidelines after a perceived missed pass interference call. Because he does it almost weekly.
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Really? Almost every story ever written about the guy details how much trouble he has getting along with others.

What? Because he was in San Francisco and couldn't get along with 1 or maybe 2 people in the front office? They were important people it's not like he was against the whole front office. Because a few of his players complained about pushing them to their limits. A coach that is a high strung coach that rubs people the wrong way. Let's just get a coach that is friendly and we can all go to happy land and make cupcakes. Let's all cry a river because some people are just pussies and don't have thick skin. Just let him coach and get the fuck out of the way. It's really that simple.
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What? Because he was in San Francisco and couldn't get along with 1 or maybe 2 people in the front office? They were important people it's not like he was against the whole front office. Because a few of his players complained about pushing them to their limits. A coach that is a high strung coach that rubs people the wrong way. Let's just get a coach that is friendly and we can all go to happy land and make cupcakes. Let's all cry a river because some people are just pussies and don't have thick skin. Just let him coach and get the fuck out of the way. It's really that simple.
There's stuff out there about his time at Stanford. It wasn't just SF. It's been pretty well documented that Jimbo is a very difficult man to work with/for, or even be around. That hyper-competitive asshole demeanor can be great for a couple of years, but ultimately it wears almost everyone around him out. That's why, IMO, he's gonna be a guy that has to change jobs every few years to remain effective...not unlike Bill Parcells.
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If I had to make a prediction right now, I'd say he's at scUM for 4-5 years. I'm betting this year's team is better than last's...but not quite there. Maybe 8-5, and with a few breaks, possibly 9-4. Next year is slightly better, then by year three, he has scUM in the discussion for bigger things. In other words, a similar arch to Stanford. But, if he does get um to 11 or more wins, the NFL will be right there dangling the chance to get that SB ring that you know he craves. An alpha personality like Harbrau will tire of pandering to goofy-ass alums and 16-21 year old kids and their parents. The scUM administration will grow weary of his personality and antics. And he will move on.

The good news for the scUM dummies is that he will almost certainly leave them in better shape than he found them.

Of course this is all assuming he doesn't go right off the reservation and strip down to his Hanes and wife-beater and chuck his khakis at an official at some point during the 3rd quarter of one of his rivalry losses. Or gets busted driving after a little too much sauce again.
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What? Because he was in San Francisco and couldn't get along with 1 or maybe 2 people in the front office? They were important people it's not like he was against the whole front office. Because a few of his players complained about pushing them to their limits. A coach that is a high strung coach that rubs people the wrong way. Let's just get a coach that is friendly and we can all go to happy land and make cupcakes. Let's all cry a river because some people are just pussies and don't have thick skin. Just let him coach and get the fuck out of the way. It's really that simple.

Like barging into a room and cold-cocking Jim Kelly because he said things that The Harbaugh didn't like? That's part of his resume too. Nobody says a coach has to be a pussy who tries to make everyone happy. You're setting up a strawman. The deal with Harbaugh though is that he is--at best--dealing with some pretty serious and seething anger issues (we of all fanbases should be able to recognize that) and is--at worst--mentally ill but functional and because of the enabling culture of football has never been forced to address that illness and seek treatment.

Am I rooting for a meltdown? Am I wishing to see another human being crash and burn in a highly public and humiliating fashion? Am I hoping to see a great university tarnished by a mentally ill football coach going off the rails? You're god damned right I am. I'm staying, Dude. Enjoyin' my meltdown.

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. There are lots of rumors that one of the conditions of SF essentially letting him out of his contract to take the scUM job was that he would not take another NFL job for "X" number of years. I've seen no proof of this, it's mostly just board/blog speculation...but it makes sense
It's not like sf can announce it as they only really could keep him out for the 1 year left on his contract. And hairball and his side won't say anything about as it would make recruiting harder (same reason he's a lifer right now like tuberville left oxford in a pine box). If sf didnt get some agreement to stay out of the nfl, why wouldn't they have made tsun buy out his contract which you know they would have. Nfl-wise hairball's in a great position. He has a job where he's the savior and has a good amount of rope / leverage and can wait for the right opening to come calling.
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I think the admins will be patient with him, as will most of the alumni. I think he's too crazy to be patient with himself, and if he starts melting down, it'll force the administration to deal with the problem. All it'll take is one reporter pressing him after a bad loss for the crazy to come roaring out. Hell, he's enjoying the mother of all honeymoons right now, and still seems like he could lose it at any moment. What happens when Sparty hangs 40 on him and Dantonio starts baiting him through the press?

Has he ever been crazy in a press conference? They can press him and he will probably act like he did with Cowherd giving 0 fucks. The administration just needs to leave him alone. Let him act crazy. As long as the revenue and wins come in, who gives a fuck what he does? As long as nothing illegal is going on, then let him do what he needs to do. His time at Stanford seemed peaceful compared to San Fran. Maybe the NFL made him into a tier 2 psycho.
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There's stuff out there about his time at Stanford. It wasn't just SF. It's been pretty well documented that Jimbo is a very difficult man to work with/for, or even be around. That hyper-competitive asshole demeanor can be great for a couple of years, but ultimately it wears almost everyone around him out. That's why, IMO, he's gonna be a guy that has to change jobs every few years to remain effective...not unlike Bill Parcells.
Not for nuttin' but we've got a hyper competitive coach too. I don't know what will happen with Harbaugh, but absolutely NOTHING will surprise me. He could stay for 2 years or 20 and it would not surprise me at this point.
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Has he ever been crazy in a press conference? They can press him and he will probably act like he did with Cowherd giving 0 fucks. The administration just needs to leave him alone. Let him act crazy. As long as the revenue and wins come in, who gives a fuck what he does? As long as nothing illegal is going on, then let him do what he needs to do. His time at Stanford seemed peaceful compared to San Fran. Maybe the NFL made him into a tier 2 psycho.

Jim Kelly says, "HI."
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I don't know anyone who thinks Chicago is equal to NYC. NYC and London are pretty much in a class by themselves. That being said, Chicago is in the conversation, and you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about to be saying otherwise.


Can all these different rankings using different methodologies yet all coming to the same conclusion be wrong?

Seriously, where do you want to start: Fortune 500 HQs, global law, architecture and advertising firm HQs. Top 20 universities in global rankings (Chicago and Northwestern). Scientific research (Fermilab and Batavia). Only city in the country that can rival NYC for cultural institutions. One of the three US cities given a Michelin Guide for the dining scene. Third largest diplomatic community in the country after DC and NYC.

The cities going to need all those organizations when the Pension Crisis bankrupts the shit out the state. I fear for the people living there in the next two decades, but that's their decisions and not mine.
Anyway... disgression back to Lord Batshitness up north.
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There are lots of rumors that one of the conditions of SF essentially letting him out of his contract to take the scUM job was that he would not take another NFL job for "X" number of years. I've seen no proof of this, it's mostly just board/blog speculation...but it makes sense. Because it seems awfully odd that a guy with a .690 win %, 3 straight conference championship games, and a SB appearance didn't get a whiff from NFL teams...including one across the bay that had an opening and could have really used a name hire to make them interesting in a good way again.

So if that rumor is true, then he apparently was already a "dead man walking" months before December. There is also 2 sources who nailed the Dec 30 date that Michigan hired Jim Harbaugh several weeks before he was even hired when most sport network analysts said he would not return to Michigan. Those 2 independent sources stated that even in November that Jim was ready to go to Michigan and that his dad was part of the talks. It does not make sense that a successful NFL coach would go back to college. It makes sense why he is the only one that I know of to do it. He is a crazy man.
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I'm fully aware of that incident. It's not the first punch that has been thrown in the sport of "football". It won't be the last either. I'm talking press conference or anytime he has really went after somebody as a coach. He just seems like a smart ass most of the time.
Dude... he tried to punch a reporter... an ex-football player, sure... but a reporter none the less.

"Before Matthews takes punching advice from Jim Harbaugh, he might want to read up on a 1997 incident where Harbaugh, then the Colts QB, took a swing at quarterback-turned-broadcaster Jim Kelly and ended up breaking a bone in his own hand, putting him out—without pay—for a month."

That said, I am not aware of any time he's done something like that as a coach.
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