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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Hasn't even coached his first game yet. I know Michigan Man is to blinded by the desperation to get back to relevance to see it, but anyone on the outside--and now apparently many on the inside--are realizing that this will not end well.


And what the fuck is up with Peruball. Crazy missionary Harbaugh thinking up the most dangerous and brutal way for the natives to entertain him? The guy has a serious screw loose.
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Hasn't even coached his first game yet. I know Michigan Man is to blinded by the desperation to get back to relevance to see it, but anyone on the outside--and now apparently many on the inside--are realizing that this will not end well.


And what the fuck is up with Peruball. Crazy missionary Harbaugh thinking up the most dangerous and brutal way for the natives to entertain him? The guy has a serious screw loose.

The "Air Force football" reference threw me for a loop since they've ran triple option, at least since I moved out to CO... and probably long before that.
But apparently it's basically Ultimate Football (ultimate frisbee with an infinitely better device)

And then Harbaugh comes along and decides to play Rugby w/o any pads.
I've seen this play out in the Marine Corps (w/much lesser athletes ofc - but competitive spirit w/19yr olds was uhhh... off the charts... in healthy and unhealthy aspects). The Navy's doctors banned a lot of sports, and put restrictions on others (after a broken nose, no more frisbees). Contact football was already banned. After some incidents, flag football also got banned (you couldn't tackle the ball carrier -- but you could pancake mofos blocking)... my unit got Water Polo banned (in 1 afternoon a guy had to be rescued for drowning and another tore his LCL) ... we also participated in getting basketball banned (similar to flag football, the picks on pick and rolls were maybe a little overzealous?)... by the end all we were left with was ultimate football and running.

Who is Jeff Moss? Never heard of this guy or this Web site.

Lots of "sources," but no SOURCES. Sounds like Crazy Harbaugh; reads like rumor-mongering.

It is kind of sketchy. At the same time, it's fairly specific for a made-up story... and the context is very believable. Reminds me of the Gibson rape reports, which weren't reported by mainstream sources either. scUM runs a pretty tight ship when it comes to the loose lips mentality.
On the other hand, grain of salt and all that.
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As a high school track coach my biggest fear was something I call grab ass. It's the dumb shit things young boys do to aggravate, trick, taunt, piss off each other - and it ALWAYS escalates into trouble. In a year in which we had the league and district championship in sight someone tosses a football to my best hurdler and sprinter - a kid with enough talent to put a lock on 40 points in all but the regional meet - while he's practicing the 110s and he goes down with a season-ending injury. Don't ask me how the football showed up or why the kid thought it would be funny if ***** were to suddenly see a football coming at him while he was over a hurdle.

You can't be everywhere and you can't completely stop kids from doing the same stupid stuff you did when you were their age - it is part of the territory - but you don't need to create events that are guaranteed to result in injury. In Harbaugh's case it sounds like he could find himself on the wrong end of a nasty lawsuit.
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Harbaugh just cleared yet another scholarship with a transfer.

OL Dan Samuelson announces Michigan transfer on social media


For the eighth time since Jim Harbaugh took over at Michigan, a Brady Hoke signee/player has taken his leave of Ann Arbor.

The latest to do so is Dan Samuelson, who took to social media Saturday to announce that he has decided to take his leave of the Wolverines and continue his collegiate career at an undetermined elsewhere. Labeling it “incredibly tough,” Samuelson said he arrived at his decision “after doing much research and talking with my parents.”
Samuelson, though, didn’t play a down in his two years in Ann Arbor. As noted by mlive.com, Samuelson’s departure frees up another scholarship for UM’s Class of 2016.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...-announces-michigan-transfer-on-social-media/
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Harbaugh just cleared yet another scholarship with a transfer.

OL Dan Samuelson announces Michigan transfer on social media


For the eighth time since Jim Harbaugh took over at Michigan, a Brady Hoke signee/player has taken his leave of Ann Arbor.

The latest to do so is Dan Samuelson, who took to social media Saturday to announce that he has decided to take his leave of the Wolverines and continue his collegiate career at an undetermined elsewhere. Labeling it “incredibly tough,” Samuelson said he arrived at his decision “after doing much research and talking with my parents.”
Samuelson, though, didn’t play a down in his two years in Ann Arbor. As noted by mlive.com, Samuelson’s departure frees up another scholarship for UM’s Class of 2016.

Entire article: http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...-announces-michigan-transfer-on-social-media/
My takes from this article:

1. Jim Harbaugh is a total scumbag (I take this from every article concering Harbaugh, regardless of what it actually says); and

2. Brady Hoke was way overrated as a recruiter.
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2. Brady Hoke was way overrated as a recruiter.
Brady Hoke had a gaggle of top rated OL. I find rankings at that position to be fairly useless. Then he had some beefy tailbacks who are useless without an OL and a boom or bust QB with similar drawbacks.

He recruited at a purdue level at WR for the most part, with Drake Harris being the exception but never healthy. That was largely overlooked because of the rankings of the aforementioned positions.

Meanwhile their good recruiting on defense has led to some decent to good play on that side of the ball (which could be elevated with better coaching and if Peppers is who they say he is). I tend to think the defensive rankings were closer to accurate (though they lacked the edge rusher and DB recruiting to be elite), while the offensive rankings were way off.
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Brady Hoke had a gaggle of top rated OL. I find rankings at that position to be fairly useless. Then he had some beefy tailbacks who are useless without an OL and a boom or bust QB with similar drawbacks.

He recruited at a purdue level at WR for the most part, with Drake Harris being the exception but never healthy. That was largely overlooked because of the rankings of the aforementioned positions.

Meanwhile their good recruiting on defense have led to some decent to good play on that side of the ball (which could be elevated with better coaching and if Peppers is who they say he is). I tend to think the defensive rankings were closer to accurate (though they lacked the edge rusher and DB recruiting to be elite), while the offensive rankings were way off.
He may have pulled in top high school seniors. The problem is at ttun in years 2,3,4 they still played like top high school seniors.
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So what's our expert expectations for Jimbo at UM? Considering how BP nailed the career arcs and potential (and realized) pitfalls of RichRod and Hoke, I figure we should see if we can bat 1.000.

1) He'll improve the team back to respectable levels of Lloyd Carr
2) Those will max out at 9-3 or 10-2 on good years
3) He'll probably be the center of numerous conflicts with other coaches
4) He's going to have epic meltdowns on the sidelines
5) He's going be NFL bound by year 4 or 5, if not sooner

What I miss?
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So what's our expert expectations for Jimbo at UM? Considering how BP nailed the career arcs and potential (and realized) pitfalls of RichRod and Hoke, I figure we should see if we can bat 1.000.

1) He'll improve the team back to respectable levels of Lloyd Carr
2) Those will max out at 9-3 or 10-2 on good years
3) He'll probably be the center of numerous conflicts with other coaches
4) He's going to have epic meltdowns on the sidelines
5) He's going be NFL bound by year 4 or 5, if not sooner

What I miss?

Pretty much nailed it. I'd just add 6) Player's family files lawsuit against The Harbaugh and UM for as yet to be determined douchebaggery, psychological abuse and physical endangerment.
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So what's our expert expectations for Jimbo at UM? Considering how BP nailed the career arcs and potential (and realized) pitfalls of RichRod and Hoke, I figure we should see if we can bat 1.000.

1) He'll improve the team back to respectable levels of Lloyd Carr
2) Those will max out at 9-3 or 10-2 on good years
3) He'll probably be the center of numerous conflicts with other coaches
4) He's going to have epic meltdowns on the sidelines
5) He's going be NFL bound by year 4 or 5, if not sooner

What I miss?
6) He pisses off a bunch of people with his recruiting practice of signing scrappy camp scrubs early and recruiting over them as much as possible later on. It worked at Stanford because no one paid attention or gave a damn. At UM it's going to be thrown on the pile of the many things Harbaugh does which piss people off.

7) Speaking of the pile: he's going to have major issues with the UM powers that be thanks to his disconnect with normal human behavior and interactions.

8) Said pile of problems are going to quickly turn into a dumpster fire if things don't go well on the field. If Harbaugh can't find his Andrew Luck sometime soon, he might not even get back to Lloyd Carr level competency and things will get really interesting.
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