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Shaggy Texas - Shaggy Bevo, Thujone, MS Pain, Butt Hurt, and BBQ (RIP)

Read the entire thread to my wife we both laughed our asses off... On a side note my wife's cousin is a lot like the father in law... Gonna send him the link... Might get lucky a he goes all mcguyver on some meat like the FIL when we're back in Columbus next week
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ORD_Buckeye;2224384; said:
The Brisporkin thread for the win.

This picture for the fucking win! :slappy:

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ORD_Buckeye;2226818; said:
I almost created a thread to link this video.....then I thought about it a bit and just decided to link the shag thread.

East-West Collegiate Bowl Lineups Announced

I already had tears in my eyes from laughing, but I think at "Dan Smith ... BYU" I laughed so loud I woke up my wife.

I love this because I was having this conversation 15 years ago with a friend that refused to call LeCharles Bentley anything other than "The Charles ... long pause ... Bentley" (emphasis on the 'The', of course).
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