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SF/PF J.D. Weatherspoon (transfer to Toledo)

HotMic;1455901; said:
Ohio State's problem is that they haven't recruited guys like J.D. Who cares if he can't shoot right now....he's going to give you the athletic ability down low that Ohio State has been missing.

Eric Wallace was a good example...but he transferred
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I think these show why this kid might warrant an offer. The kid simply takes the air outta the gym, and we don't have a guy like that on the roster. With some refine in his game his could be a star, IMHO.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INY_pBGNV5E"]YouTube - JD Weatherspoon, Class of 2010, Columbus Northland, Early 2008-2009 highlights[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17itC5DG14U"]YouTube - JD Weatherspoon windmill vs Brookhaven 1/23/09 Northland Vikings Class of 2010[/ame]
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It would appear, extrapolating from the first video, that JD makes a rather high percentage of his shots :biggrin:

The kid is an exceptional athlete, if he shows a great work ethic and works on his handle and shot, and shows a desire to play defense, and probably most importantly, has the desire in the classroom, he could make a very nice addition.

[sarcasm]One major question though regarding the '10 class, can he play the point[/sarcasm]
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With the recent reviews of Lenzelle Smith, I'm not so worried about the point. Althought PG depth is an issue. I think is JD get's it all togather he would be a fine addition to the '10 class. I know some people may think thats to many fowards. But Thomas is a combo foward, while a guy like JD is a wing all the way.
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SayNoToMichigan;1459523; said:
With the recent reviews of Lenzelle Smith, I'm not so worried about the point. Althought PG depth is an issue. I think is JD get's it all togather he would be a fine addition to the '10 class. I know some people may think thats to many fowards. But Thomas is a combo foward, while a guy like JD is a wing all the way.
I am not trying to be smart but what are your definitions of "forward" and "wing". I guess when I think of a wing player I think of someone who will play away from the basket and when comparing Thomas and JD, I would think that Thomas is more of a wing player because he is a better ballhandler and can play away from the basket.
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I've been invloved in basketball for a while now, and I've always believed a wing to be a SF type of guy. A run, jump, shoot kinda guy with good size. Where a forward to me is a PF with SF skills or visa versa. I guess if you wanted you could throw both into combo or wing convo.
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SayNoToMichigan;1459523; said:
With the recent reviews of Lenzelle Smith, I'm not so worried about the point. Althought PG depth is an issue. I think is JD get's it all togather he would be a fine addition to the '10 class. I know some people may think thats to many fowards. But Thomas is a combo foward, while a guy like JD is a wing all the way.

I don't know how anyone could be "not so worried about the point". Smith, who will be a freshman, is the only PG we will have as of now. And he is trying to convert to it from playing inside in high school so far. Can anyone legitimately say they are comfortable with him starting and playing PG 30 minutes say ( though right now it is 40 with no one else on the roster )?

It is more than a depth issue. I think we need to find a legitimate STARTER at PG with one of the 2 open schollies. I don't want to be relying on Smith for more than a backup PG role as a freshman. Maybe later in his career he'll be experienced and adept enough to start there but as a freshman I doubt it.

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Not sure but next week it might be announced that Ohio State will lose two scholarships because of APR so we will have a freshman PG in 2010 no matter what.

Other people seem to speak rather highly of Smith and his possible ability to play the PG position so I don't know why you are having such a difficult time with it. I would assume that they will bring someone else in to play the PG along with Smith now whether this other player starts or not I have no idea but I think Matta realizes that a freshman cannot play an entire game at PG without some relief.
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buckeydoptimist;1459642; said:
I don't know how anyone could be "not so worried about the point". Smith, who will be a freshman, is the only PG we will have as of now. And he is trying to convert to it from playing inside in high school so far. Can anyone legitimately say they are comfortable with him starting and playing PG 30 minutes say ( though right now it is 40 with no one else on the roster )?

It is more than a depth issue. I think we need to find a legitimate STARTER at PG with one of the 2 open schollies. I don't want to be relying on Smith for more than a backup PG role as a freshman. Maybe later in his career he'll be experienced and adept enough to start there but as a freshman I doubt it.


We will have a frosh PG starting anyways either way, unless we get a JUCO player. I would I rather there be some upperclassman to handle the point? Sure.

EDIT: I didn't read LitlBuck's post, he pretty much said what I said.
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BuckeyeGrove.com - Spiece: Richmond shines on day two (free)

After a subpar showing at the King James tournament in Akron, J.D. Weatherspoon bounced back nicely. Weatherspoon, who as always had a few nasty dunks, stepped up his all around game. He did a good job of rebounding the ball as well as playing defense. Also he mixed in a few jump shots along the way, but it was his passing, rebounding, and defensive effort that made the difference for All-Ohio against the Wisconsin Playground Warriors.
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I like the offer, Spoon would look good in S&G throwing down some dunks. It's always nice when a solid young man who grew up in the shadow of tOSU and who has a nice game and the potential for an outstanding game to get a chance to grow his game at his favorite school.
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offer has been extended.....

BN has reported that he received an offer yesterday, when j. sull, satch sullinger, and jd all visited OSU. He said he will take all his visits and not rush into a decision......
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