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SF/PF J.D. Weatherspoon (transfer to Toledo)

Look I am all for a recruit taking his time to decide where he wants to play. But from all accounts (I could be mistaken) it was a dream of his to get an offer from OSU to play with his friend Jared Sullinger and now that he has an offer he isnt sure about it and is going to take some visits? Am I missing something here?
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brodybuck21;1461784; said:
Look I am all for a recruit taking his time to decide where he wants to play. But from all accounts (I could be mistaken) it was a dream of his to get an offer from OSU to play with his friend Jared Sullinger and now that he has an offer he isnt sure about it and is going to take some visits? Am I missing something here?

Advise by his family and coach to make sure that this is what he wants. You always have to weigh pros/cons. The only con seemingly is that he would have to work for playing time, no guarantees. I respect the fact that he wants to think things over, it's an important life decision.
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starBUCKS;1461797; said:
Advise by his family and coach to make sure that this is what he wants. You always have to weigh pros/cons. The only con seemingly is that he would have to work for playing time, no guarantees. I respect the fact that he wants to think things over, it's an important life decision.

I see what youre saying. Heres to J.D. becoming our next verbal
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brodybuck21;1461784; said:
Look I am all for a recruit taking his time to decide where he wants to play. But from all accounts (I could be mistaken) it was a dream of his to get an offer from OSU to play with his friend Jared Sullinger and now that he has an offer he isnt sure about it and is going to take some visits? Am I missing something here?
I will put a little different slant on it. I think he knows but right after de-committing from Xavier he just wants to wait a little bit so that if something very strange might happen he will not look like a fool. I will be shocked if he is not part of the 2010 :osu:class.
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LitlBuck;1461817; said:
I will put a little different slant on it. I think he knows but right after de-committing from Xavier he just wants to wait a little bit so that if something very strange might happen he will not look like a fool. I will be shocked if he is not part of the 2010 :osu:class.

I tend to agree. I think he doesn't want to look tooo antsy or desparate and maybe not dish X too much by jumping at the offer in seconds. But I doubt he takes a lot of time as this sounds like it was his dream scenario and you never know when they might fill up the class. I wouldn't snooze too long if I were JD. This might turn up the heat on Payne a touch though.
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buckeydoptimist;1461835; said:
I tend to agree. I think he doesn't want to look tooo antsy or desparate and maybe not dish X too much by jumping at the offer in seconds. But I doubt he takes a lot of time as this sounds like it was his dream scenario and you never know when they might fill up the class. I wouldn't snooze too long if I were JD. This might turn up the heat on Payne a touch though.

Thanx for the feedback. Both you and Litl bring up great points...

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It is not suprising that Weatherspoon will reportedly take some time........he has already been through the process and understands the "what ifs" due to the Xavier situation.............

He has a great support system and he will weigh the pros and cons.........my gut tells me once he sits down with his family and mentors, the decision will be an easy one..........
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Catchin' up on Weatherspoon, APR, etc.

After I got out of the mountains of southeastern Kentucky on Saturday and my cell phone latched on to a signal for the first time in six days, it soon started beeping with voice mails and vibrating with texts.

Here's what I missed and -- unless you've read it elsewhere already -- you missed, too.

Ohio State coach Thad Matta offered forward J.D. Weatherspoon a scholarship when the Northland junior visited campus last Monday with Northland coach Satch Sullinger and Sullinger's son, Jared, also a Northland junior who already has said he will sign with the Buckeyes in November.

After watching an afternoon workout, Weatherspoon and Matta met privately and the offer was made, Satch Sullinger said. Weatherspoon was advised to take the offer home and discuss it with his parents.

Some thought a commitment would be forthcoming within a day or two, but it wasn't.

"His dad convinced him that before he commits, he should check out other schools just to see what they have to offer," Satch Sullinger said.

So Weatherspoon will make official visits, probably during football season, to Georgia Tech, Maryland, Missouri and the University of Miami as well as Ohio State. His visit to Ohio State is expected to be the weekend of Sept.12 for the prime-time football game against Southern California, when Jared Sullinger will make his.

Catchin' up on Weatherspoon, APR, etc. (Hoops & Scoops: an OSU basketball blog)
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