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SF/PF J.D. Weatherspoon (transfer to Toledo)

I like his athleticism and dunking. Do you guys think he'll develop the handle and shot to play the SF at the next level or fill out and grow and play the PF? He seems like he is in-between right now as he has the size of a small forward but the inside-centric game of a power forward in h.s. Players like that often don't adjust well to the college game. Some do though. Many thought Cornley was too short to play the PF at 6'4-6'5, and he had a nice career banging in the B10 at PSU!
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While I agree that Cornley had a solid career banging against bigger bodies as an undersized 4 in the B10, I'm not sure he is a good comparison to Weatherspoon. J.D., to me does not seem as physical as Jamel did in H.S., though JD is seems much more athletic. I think JD will either have to grow a couple of inches or develop more of an outside game (handle, or shot, preferably both) to excel at the Collegiate level. He reminds me of Gary Trent of OU fame or even a Bill Walker, not a bad thing, or Eric Wallace, maybe not so good. I do think if he works hard, he can develop into a very good College player, and with his explosiveness he could one day end up in the NBA.

He seems like at least a three year player, two at the absolute least (and that's with some big strides his Senior year of HS and Frosh year in college) in college and he should help some team a lot out by then by being a mismatch, either size/athletically as a three or explosive/quickness as a four. Scholarships are tight at tOSU, but he surely has the athletic ability, if his work ethic and grades are good, to be a very nice addition to some major or high mid-major program.
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GrizzlyBuck;1446042; said:
While I agree that Cornley had a solid career banging against bigger bodies as an undersized 4 in the B10, I'm not sure he is a good comparison to Weatherspoon. J.D., to me does not seem as physical as Jamel did in H.S., though JD is seems much more athletic. I think JD will either have to grow a couple of inches or develop more of an outside game (handle, or shot, preferably both) to excel at the Collegiate level. He reminds me of Gary Trent of OU fame or even a Bill Walker, not a bad thing, or Eric Wallace, maybe not so good. I do think if he works hard, he can develop into a very good College player, and with his explosiveness he could one day end up in the NBA.

He seems like at least a three year player, two at the absolute least (and that's with some big strides his Senior year of HS and Frosh year in college) in college and he should help some team a lot out by then by being a mismatch, either size/athletically as a three or explosive/quickness as a four. Scholarships are tight at tOSU, but he surely has the athletic ability, if his work ethic and grades are good, to be a very nice addition to some major or high mid-major program.
I really am confused mobile your bolded comment regarding J got D. You really think he has the skills right now for you to say that he might only be a 2 or 3 year player in college. He won't even be a McDonald's All-American next year. Not every kid that graduates from high school automatically becomes a 2 or 3 year player. Plus right now, J. D. is really a tweener and needs to work on his perimeter game to become a complete SF. He would need to grow at least 2" for him to become a very good PF in the college game plus you even said he is not as physical as Cornley. Your comparison of him to Bill Walker was a very poor one. Walker was a very physical and very athletic player.

The strides that he would have to make as a senior in high school or a freshman in college would have to be huge for him to be a 2 or 3 year player.
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LItlBuck, you are probably right, I only recreationally follow HS BBall, but not every 2-3 year player is a Lottery pick. I did not see Walker play many games in HS, but honestly from what I saw, he shot a lot more from the outside than JD, but did not make a very high percentage from what I saw, I'd guess mid 30%, honestly could be very wrong about that, but I'd be suprised to learn it was much higher than that. Yes Walker was very physical, but I think JD could exert himself and become more physical his senior year. Walker also did not play with anyone nearly as physical as Sullinger (I know he played with the 6'11 kid who was very athletic, but was a bean pole), so he had more room in the lane to exert himself. I do agree that Walker probably was much more advanced, but we also got to see him in his senior year and at K-State. In JD I see an exceptional athlete, who has some pretty good skills, who if he works hard in the next few years IMHO could possibly go pro prior to his Senior year.

If you would have told me that at the beginning of ET's freshman year that he might go pro after his soph campaign, I'd have been tempted to laugh, I know he was well respected and well coached coming out of Chicago, but I did not see it, but as I said, I follow HS ball little, and am far from an expert on College or NBA ball.

It just seems that I see quite a few players at the NBA level who don't seem to have much other than exceptional athletic ability, which JD has.

I'm not even emphasizing the idea of JD going pro early, just that he would be in a system at least 3 years, barring something spectacular on his part, and quite possibly all four years, giving a squad a solid, athletic, experienced senior player, not a bad thing at all considering the rate of defections at tOSU recently :(
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It's too bad for Weatherspoon's sake that Miller went to Zona', b/c he is a perfect fit for Xavier's system-athletic, undersized 4, who can develop a jumper and ball skills over 4 years, while not being forced to stay exclusively in the post-James Posey,CJ Anderson,Derrick Brown.
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GrizzlyBuck;1446124; said:
LItlBuck, you are probably right, I only recreationally follow HS BBall, but not every 2-3 year player is a Lottery pick. I did not see Walker play many games in HS, but honestly from what I saw, he shot a lot more from the outside than JD, but did not make a very high percentage from what I saw, I'd guess mid 30%, honestly could be very wrong about that, but I'd be suprised to learn it was much higher than that. Yes Walker was very physical, but I think JD could exert himself and become more physical his senior year. Walker also did not play with anyone nearly as physical as Sullinger (I know he played with the 6'11 kid who was very athletic, but was a bean pole), so he had more room in the lane to exert himself. I do agree that Walker probably was much more advanced, but we also got to see him in his senior year and at K-State. In JD I see an exceptional athlete, who has some pretty good skills, who if he works hard in the next few years IMHO could possibly go pro prior to his Senior year.

If you would have told me that at the beginning of ET's freshman year that he might go pro after his soph campaign, I'd have been tempted to laugh, I know he was well respected and well coached coming out of Chicago, but I did not see it, but as I said, I follow HS ball little, and am far from an expert on College or NBA ball.

It just seems that I see quite a few players at the NBA level who don't seem to have much other than exceptional athletic ability, which JD has.

I'm not even emphasizing the idea of JD going pro early, just that he would be in a system at least 3 years, barring something spectacular on his part, and quite possibly all four years, giving a squad a solid, athletic, experienced senior player, not a bad thing at all considering the rate of defections at tOSU recently :(
I totally agree with your last second and third paragraphs. Who knows what the next couple years will bring with regard to player development and as long as he is very athletic JD has the potential and I totally agree with you regarding Turner.

I really think that we will have to go after a PG for the 2010 class before we could take JD and he would need to add a couple more inches before Ohio State would offer him but that's just my opinion. We have Thomas coming in that year and currently JD and Thomas really play the same position. Stranger things have happened.
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Agreed litlBuck, the '10's class need is at point not at SF/PF, but just saying that JD will make someone a nice player, and if he develops his game or grows some, maybe an outstanding one. Also just waxing, not so eloquently about the thought of having experienced, talented players who stick around for 3-4 years.

Now if tOSU can get some solid point play next year (fingers crossed) hopefully we'll see what it's like to have some talented 3-4 year players in the program.
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Vikes' Weatherspoon looking elsewhere to go to college
Published: Friday, April 10, 2009


There's a change in plans for Northland boys basketball star J.D. Weatherspoon.

The junior forward had verbally committed to play for Xavier University, starting with the 2010-11 school year. But with Sean Miller stepping down as coach of the Musketeers so he can take over at University of Arizona, Weatherspoon has decided not to go to Xavier after all.

Weatherspoon expects one of Miller's assistant coaches at Xavier to go to Arizona, as well.

The Viking said he understands Miller's situation.

"I really wasn't disappointed," Weatherspoon said. "I can't argue with Sean doing what's best for his family."

Weatherspoon said he's not rushing in his search for a new college choice.

"I just want to take all my visits," he said. "I'll make a decision next year."

Weatherspoon said it's not essential he ends up at an in-state school.

"It doesn't matter," he said. "I just want to get a great education. I want to go somewhere where the players and coaches are great to work with."

Another Northland junior, Jared Sullinger, is going to Ohio State University. Both Sullinger and Weatherspoon helped the Vikings win the Division I state title this past season.

The team finished 27-1 after Northland beat Cincinnati Princeton 60-58 in the championship game March 28.

Sullinger earned D- I All-Ohio Player of the Year and Mr. Basketball honors, and was All-Central District Player of the Year and Suburban News Publications boys basketball Winter Athlete of the Year. Weatherspoon made third-team all-district and first-team All-City League North Division.

Weatherspoon isn't ruling out playing at Ohio State and teaming up again with Sullinger.

"Only time will tell," Weatherspoon said. "Jared and I have had a dream of playing with each other through college. (Princeton's) Jordan Sibert is playing for Ohio State, too. Me being a Buckeye really isn't out of the question."

Columbus Local News: Region > Sports > Vikes' Weatherspoon looking elsewhere to go to college
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brodybuck21;1447392; said:
From the little Ive watched Northland I really like J.D.'s game. Is there any way he gets an offer from OSU?
Read some of the posts prior to this one:) In my humble opinion, I would think that he would need to grow a couple of inches and improve his perimeter skills to get an offer from Ohio State and I do think that our #1 need is a PG for the 2010 class. I don't know how many scholarships Matta will want or, even possibly, can give out because of variables such as Buford, Lighty, and some others.
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LitlBuck;1447404; said:
Read some of the posts prior to this one:) In my humble opinion, I would think that he would need to grow a couple of inches and improve his perimeter skills to get an offer from Ohio State and I do think that our #1 need is a PG for the 2010 class. I don't know how many scholarships Matta will want or, even possibly, can give out because of variables such as Buford, Lighty, and some others.

:biggrin: yeah pretty much what i figured. thanx for input..
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Could see some movement here today!!

Matta is visiting Northland today!!

I am still not sold on him tho...But I like idea of a Colubmus kid that wants to stay home, and should be here 4 years...Will fit the 4 position in Matta's system, but kids that need to develop have not been great in Matta's system...Guys like Eric Wallace who left after a year...
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crazybuckfan40;1454723; said:
Could see some movement here today!!

Matta is visiting Northland today!!

I am still not sold on him tho...But I like idea of a Colubmus kid that wants to stay home, and should be here 4 years...Will fit the 4 position in Matta's system, but kids that need to develop have not been great in Matta's system...Guys like Eric Wallace who left after a year...
I know what you mean about the way Thad uses the 4 player in his system but J.D. has another year to hone his skills and I think that he has enough athletic talent that he will be able to help us perhaps not right away but in his second year and down the road from that.
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