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Second Best Scorer Rides the Pine all Year

rls321321;2294695; said:

I am trying to get L. Ross's email so i can tell him to transfer. Matta will never play him. I want to to see this huge talent on thr floor where he belongs

Instead of doing that, you should take yourself to the nearest bridge and jump the fuck off....
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fair enough....you think whatever Thad does is perfection and I say he's less than perfect but still great. Your position is extreme....mine is less extreme.

Thad has a problem this year with scoring. It cost us the Duke game and the Kansas game as we went on long droughts. It almost cost us the Michigan game. <let's call the Illinois game for what it was....just a bad game all the way around>.

Thad's methods are shown to get us as far as our talent gets us but no further and sometimes not as far. OSU is losing its last games of the year due to getting cold at the wrong time. We're heading down that same path this year. We need any extra scoring threat we can get because great defensive teams like KU will figure out how to slow down or even stop Deshaun.

Not playing Ross has benefits on the defensive side.....for now
Not playing Ross has detriments on the offensive side
Not playing Ross this year will hurt his development for next year
Not playing Ross means we are playing others that are detriments on O
I stated this 2 posts above yours but you do not develop players during games especially during the Big Ten season. That is what practice is for and you certainly do not give guys playing time in meaningful games to develop them for next year. That is not fair to the current players on the roster. The off-season is when players are supposed to develop... themselves.

I guess you are willing to sacrifice the hard work of other players to help develop one facet of one player who the coaches see in practice every day.

You are also assuming that Ross is a tremendous offensive player. I will admit that he is a very good shooter but I do not think that he can create his own shots like Thomas who is a very good offensive player that can also shoot.
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Yes i usually post on boards where the posters really know BB.
Hopefully I won't be slumming much longer.
and if you don't understand that the team needs much more offense
and that person is on the bench, then you need some knowledge.
Please go back to that board and quit wasting our time.
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OhioState001;2294595; said:
Last time we played Ross in a tight game he made some major mistakes.

He played decently in the first half. I was at the game and I watched Q specifically during a couple of sets.

He was yanked in the 2nd half after his man beat him very badly on two or three plays in a row. Matta had no choice in the 2nd half but to remove Q.
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Ross's problems started when he wasn't eligible at the start of last year..he is playing catch up ..scoring in an up and down summer league isn't the same as scoring in the physical defensive game that is the Big 10 plus guarding people man to man is different than standing around in a 2-3 zone. He isn't strong enough to guard a 4 or 5 man to man or quick enough to guard a 2-3. He needs to work HARD over the summer if he wants more playing time.
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Onebuckfan;2294710; said:
Ross's problems started when he wasn't eligible at the start of last year..he is playing catch up ..scoring in an up and down summer league isn't the same as scoring in the physical defensive game that is the Big 10 plus guarding people man to man is different than standing around in a 2-3 zone. He isn't strong enough to guard a 4 or 5 man to man or quick enough to guard a 2-3. He needs to work HARD over the summer if he wants more playing time.

Very nice summary.
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There are two things that if Ross was a lot better at he'd be playing a lot more. He gets beat way too easily off the dribble when he's guarding the perimeter - that is one. He can match up better against a team like MSU that plays bigger than a team that plays small. The other thing Ross has to do is shore up is his ballhandling. He often loose with the dribble and it is easy to steal and he loses control of it way too often. He's got to tighten up his handle to be a more effective driver. I think if he improves those things, he can earn more minutes, but it's easier said than done and I don't think there's anything Matta can do right now to magically make him a lot better in those ares.

Matta has coached his share of pros, and it's not like the guys who have gone undrafted have been able to stick in the league, so to suggest he doesn't know how to coach talent is foolish. And comparing Ross to DT and saying Matta has shorted Ross by playing DT more is another head-scratcher. DT as a frosh played single digit minutes in some of the big games, just like Ross has this year. And there were probably more blowouts in 2011 so more minutes for DT to get in during the average game. But DT was the 7th man and Ross is the 8th man, so there aren't going to be quite as many minutes for Ross in general as DT had.
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DaveyBoy;2294691; said:
Thad's methods are shown to get us as far as our talent gets us but no further and sometimes not as far. OSU is losing its last games of the year due to getting cold at the wrong time. We're heading down that same path this year. We need any extra scoring threat we can get because great defensive teams like KU will figure out how to slow down or even stop Deshaun.

Not playing Ross has benefits on the defensive side.....for now
Not playing Ross has detriments on the offensive side
Not playing Ross this year will hurt his development for next year
Not playing Ross means we are playing others that are detriments on O

Newsflash Davey, virtually every team in college basketball loses their last games of the year. Not sure if you realize it, but only one team wins the NC in any given year. This isn't football where half of the top-10 teams can win their last game of the year.

And as for Matta not taking his teams as far as the talent gets them, that's just ridiculous. How many times has OSU won 4 Big Ten basketball titles in a 6 year span? What were they supposed to do, win 6 in a row? Go undefeated in the Big Ten? The tournament is always different every year, it doesn't exist in a vaccuum where the regions are equally balanced in terms of difficulty and teams should go to the F4 just because they have one of the best teams they have had. Matta was unlucky that Florida was returning their entire starting 5 from a team that won the NC the prior season, or else he would probably have an NC already - but that's how it is in college basketball, some years the teams at the top of the sport are better than others. Florida had 3 lottery picks. Matta just took an OSU team with one draft pick to the F4, Izzo took a team with a #1 seed and one draft pick (who won Big Ten POY over Sully) to the S16 - obviously Izzo doesn't take his talent to where he's supposed to in the tournament, right? Coach K is the winningest coach in college basketball, but his #2 seed Duke lost to #15 seed Lehigh last year - clearly Matta is so uniquely flawed because he had a year where his team didn't go as far as people expected.

Davey, the real idiocy in your statement that Matta is flawed because he doesn't take his talent as far as they're supposed to go or "only" takes them as far as he should is that EVERY coach in college basketball that is around for more than a year has disappointing years and teams that disappoint in the tournament - that is not a unique flaw or legitimately something to criticize Coach Matta in particular about because you can make the exact same argument against any coach in the entire sport. It is interesting how you frame your argument to rag on Matta, because I guess it's much harder to argue against Matta if you shift the argument away from the negative aspect and compare accomplishments. If you had considered the accomplishments a coach's teams have had and where those accomplishments stack up against his peers over a similar time period, and used that as the main factor in your evaluation of coaches, you would understand that your arguments don't really have any weight behind them. EVERY coach loses games. EVERY coach fails to get his team to the F4 more often than not. NOBODY roots for their team to "go as far as their talent" or "go farther than their talent," they root for their teams to achieve big things like go to the F4 and win conference titles, which is what Matta's teams have done repeatedly. Get a grip on reality, Davey.

Not playing Ross does have benefits on D, but not playing Ross does have a positive effect on the offensive side in the sense that this OSU team has shown it can be turnover-prone (especially when not having Craft and Scott out there together), and Ross is the most turnover-prone player on the team. He has been just as much of a non-entity on offense at times as Smith and Thompson.

The real problem with this team isn't the lack of big minutes for Ross, it's not having a very good big man. If Sully were still on the team they would have won at least 3 more games than what they have at this point, even with Ross playing as little as he has or less. It is an enormous drop-off from Sully to Rav/Amir.
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