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We let you wear pancakes on your head
We let you post at 4am when you are way way past any living brain cells
We let you eat paint chips
We let you cuss... on Wednesdays... in 3 threads.. between 2:30-2:45 AM
We let you make fun of ESPN, [Mark May], scUM, Domers
We have 'tatasMcGee"
We give you tons of virtual cash when you give us real cash and
then we take it all back in the Bookie forum
We have Mafia capo's
and we have Deety !!!

Where ya gonna get all that.. for only $79.95 a year
plus free baptisms
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Bucklion;2230502; said:
Louis here...what color are these [censored]ing leaves?

There are many colors grasshopper in these winding roads of life
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BusNative;2230550; said:
UR makin, like, a lot of presumptions brah

I just thought with Lil 'Bus and all (even he gets an apostrophe :slappy:).....my bad.....I didn't realize you were a godless fornicator. Carry on.

God will get his revenge.
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