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Bucknut24;2230675; said:
no, Bill Greene just posted that they're allowed to go back to the old site, it isn't going away

If anything, it's only going to do more damage reverting back... I, personally, won't be subscribing to Scout ever again.

It's nice having, but there's plenty of people on here that have the premium info.
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FAIL! :slappy:

From Twitter...

Wow, millions of $$ lost. RT @Mengus22: According to @bkoo, the Scout sites are all rolling back to their old formats tonight.

Scout's new platform and rebranding to Fox Sports Next has failed miserably. Sites are going to roll back to old version tonight

Further clarification: The rebranding and probably migration will occur at some point. For now, they relented to subscriber outrage
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The stunning thing is that Lithium forums are incredibly expensive, in large part due to their high amount of tech support (unlike vbulletin, where Clarity or Deety have to tinker themselves).
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NJ-Buckeye;2230489; said:
We let you wear pancakes on your head
We let you post at 4am when you are way way past any living brain cells
We let you eat paint chips
We let you cuss... on Wednesdays... in 3 threads.. between 2:30-2:45 AM
We let you make fun of ESPN, [Mark May], scUM, Domers
We have 'tatasMcGee"
We give you tons of virtual cash when you give us real cash and
then we take it all back in the Bookie forum
We have Mafia capo's
and we have Deety !!!

Where ya gonna get all that.. for only $79.95 a year
plus free baptisms

We also have this...

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southcampus;2230838; said:
I love almost everything about BuckeyePlanet. The only thing keeping scout relevant IMO is Nevada. He's irreplaceable.

I go to Scout for pro sports chatter. I've never given them a dime.

BP takes care of my Buckeye needs.

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Bucky Katt;2230558; said:
I just thought with Lil 'Bus and all (even he gets an apostrophe :slappy:)
Deety;2230561; said:
Li'l ''Bus gets THREE 'postrophes.

:shake: of course, why stop with my money and sleep? :lol:

.....my bad.....I didn't realize you were a godless fornicator. Carry on.
God will get his revenge.
Buckeye513;2227072; said:
Don't waste your time, Bus. God will have his revenge.

Whew, looks like [strike]me and Mrs. 'Bus are still one ahead[/strike] uh, I... I am still break-even... :paranoid:
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southcampus;2230838; said:
I love almost everything about BuckeyePlanet. The only thing keeping scout relevant IMO is Nevada. He's irreplaceable.
i appreciate his nuggets, which seem to have dropped a bit since the '08 class departure; however, his bloated sense of self is a bit grating and the next time he gives an inch during a discussion will be the first.

in my opinion, bill is the man. he is unbiased and carries conversations that aren't preachy.
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OSU_Buckguy;2230930; said:
i appreciate his nuggets, which seem to have dropped a bit since the '08 class departure; however, his bloated sense of self is a bit grating and the next time he gives an inch during a discussion will be the first.

in my opinion, bill is the man. he is unbiased and carries conversations that aren't preachy.

True..will be interesting to see what happens once Fragel leaves the team. He seems to get a lot of information from them....
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