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The desperation continues... Received this email earlier today. (second one in as many days, which is unheard of from Scout)

Dear Scout.com and FOX Sports NEXT Member:

We apologize for the technical difficulties we experienced over the past few days as we transitioned from Scout.com to FOX Sports NEXT.

As we work to address these technical issues, we have restored access to the Scout.com site. You should now be able to sign in and access Scout.com with your Scout.com membership credential.

We will keep Scout.com up and running until we address the technical issues of the new FOX Sports NEXT platform. If you bought a Fox Sports NEXT membership on FOX Sports NEXT between October 5 through October 8, 2012 we will not charge the payment card you provided for your Fox Sports NEXT membership.

We thank you for being a loyal member and we appreciate your patience.


The FOX Sports NEXT Team
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Muck;2231115; said:


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