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Sam "L" McGuffie (Olympic Bobsled Team)

Bestbuck36;875832; said:
If we don't offer him I want him to go to A&M or Nebraska. No way do I want him in the Big10.
If Ohio State doesn't offer him, then I don't really care where he goes. In fact, I think it's a good thing when Michigan signs players who don't have Buckeye offers.

Anyone remember Ryan Brewer? I'm sure you all do.
Yeah. Career totals were 107 receptions for 1,136 yards (10.6 avg) and 5 TD's; 124 rushes for 569 yards (4.6 avg) and 5 TD's. Average player, had a couple of good games, not Ohio State caliber. You just can't sign "fan favorites" at this level of college football....
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I think this thread will be headed to the 2008 Recruiting Forum soon. His having family an hour from AA, how much he enjoyed the visit and how he felt "at home" there, his deciding to announce fairly quickly after the AA visit, etc. ...
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scarletngray;875837; said:
The last person I wanted to see go to TSUN, besides Pryor, is McGuffie. The guy is a tremendous difference maker and I was really hoping we would see him in S&G.
Are you saying that the Buckeye staff can't identify "difference makers"?

Let this one go - we'll get ours, they'll get theirs, and we'll play every third Saturday in November to see whose are better.
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LordJeffBuck;875842; said:
Are you saying that the Buckeye staff can't identify "difference makers"?

Let this one go - we'll get ours, they'll get theirs, and we'll play every third Saturday in November to see whose are better.

Wow, Jeff, nice attempt at putting words in my mouth. Just because I LIKE A CERTAIN PLAYER, does not mean I am passing judgement upon anyone elses ability to judge talent, and certainly not the coaches. I still think SM is a difference maker. I still would like to see him in S&G. And I still would hate to see him in Maize and Blue. There's nothing wrong with that.

No worries though. I still love the recruits we are getting, and as a whole, I would take our guys over TSUN recruits any day.
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scarletngray;875858; said:
Wow, Jeff, nice attempt at putting words in my mouth. Just because I LIKE A CERTAIN PLAYER, does not mean I am passing judgement upon anyone elses ability to judge talent, and certainly not the coaches.
Well, you say that McGuffie is a "tremendous difference maker", and the Buckeyes staff hasn't offered the kid. I see a disconnect somewhere....
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LordJeffBuck;875910; said:
Well, you say that McGuffie is a "tremendous difference maker", and the Buckeyes staff hasn't offered the kid. I see a disconnect somewhere....

Oh, I get it, only kids that OSU offers are difference makers in college.

Noted. Any kid that didn't have an OSU offer is a scrub in college.
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NumberTwo;875919; said:
Oh, I get it, only kids that OSU offers are difference makers in college.
That is not what LJB said - follow the thread and stop letting it fall through your fingers.
we'll get ours, they'll get theirs, and we'll play every third Saturday in November to see whose are better.
NumberTwo;875919; said:
Noted. Any kid that didn't have an OSU offer is a scrub in college.
I see a disconnect between your two thoughts.
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NumberTwo;875919; said:
Oh, I get it, only kids that OSU offers are difference makers in college.

Noted. Any kid that didn't have an OSU offer is a scrub in college.

Even with the sarcasm that is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen on here...that is not what LJB was saying at all.

I tend to agree with LJB...I trust OSU's staff to evaluate talent moreso than any other and if they decide not to offer a kid, it doesn't really matter where he ends up...the most important thing is that our staff evaluated him and deemed either he was not worthy of an offer or he simply did not fit into their system. Sam is certainly a tremendous talent (his offer sheet and film speak for themselves) but if JT and Co. don't offer I trust their reasons.

Also, Sam hurt his own chances at an OSU offer by not attending camp.
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LordJeffBuck;875910; said:
Well, you say that McGuffie is a "tremendous difference maker", and the Buckeyes staff hasn't offered the kid. I see a disconnect somewhere....

Didn't they promise Torrence that they'd stop recruiting guys at running back?

I think the staff knows he's an all world athlete, and has the chance to be a hell of a difference maker. You'd have to be blind not to see the potential he's got.

That said, while he could play at pretty much any position he wants, he's a mega-time running back recruit. He probably held out as long as he did to see if OSU would change their minds on taking more than one RB, and OSU held out hope they could offer him as a CB/WR. Since (its speculation here) both sides wouldn't budge, then why bother extending an offer?

Just throwing it out there. And trust me, I'd want him to be a Buckeye before he became a Wolverine. Makes life easier on ND, and he'd probably help bring about a quicker demise for UM & Co.
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NumberTwo;875919; said:
Oh, I get it, only kids that OSU offers are difference makers in college.

Noted. Any kid that didn't have an OSU offer is a scrub in college.

Are you serious? I use sarcasm too, but let's be real.

LJB never said he wasn't a difference maker, he said that the staff has seen enough of Sam to be able to determine whether or not the guy got an offer. He didn't. LJB doesn't go on to say that since Sam didn't get an offer, although while pining for one yet not attending camp, that he wasn't a "difference maker."

For anyone paying attention to this year's recruiting class, you would know that the OSU coaching staff has been working to fit about 35 worthwhile kids into a class that will eventually number significantly less than 20. It doesn't mean Sam isn't worthy of an offer, or more appropriately that he is not a "difference maker", just that this is the wrong year for a kid like Sam to come out of UM's new pipeline (TX) and wish for an offer that he will never get. All it means is that the OSU coaching staff has seen Sam, and as a group, has decided that he will not make or break the future of Ohio State football, and therefore, having said offers out to about 35(+) other kids, don't see the need to send a Michigan "lean" an offer, just out of spite. Part of me feels Sam wanted the OSU offer, just to say he picked UM over OSU. And at the same time, I could be wrong. Just sayin....
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IMO this is probably more of a system fit and need issue... Our best success is with big bruising backs that can hammer the middle when needed... moreso than the cat quick-run-around-end backs... even Pitt could be a hammer at times...

I don't think tOSU coaches are making any such comments about McGuffie's skills not being top notch... very similar to when they didn't offer Sutton... despite knowing Sutton had great skills... but was he a best fit for the style they use...

And most importantly, McGuffie has to demonstrate he is sincerely interested in the Bucks... versus just wanting an offer for his trophy case... If the staff sincerely felt he wanted to be a Buckeye, I suspect an offer could have been in the picture... IMO
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It appears to me that all of the threads have an inkling of truth to them. Sarcasm included.....However, one fellow, difference maker or not, makes MORE of a difference when the number of schollies are severely constrained (like OSU's were two weeks ago). Add to that a whiz-bang sophomore, two freshmen, a potential rb, plus a junior rb, and there's really no need to utilize a pick on a rb, this year.

Tress & crew has gotta be real careful on their offers. They've always been more picky than most, and if they knew what they know now about the three schollie transfers, then they might have offered McGuffie.

If there was ANY doubt in their mind, then remember the old addage:

" if you make a mistake on a recruit, and he accepts, you have to see him every day. If you make a mistake and don't offer him, you only have to see him once a year" --John Cooper

Guys, we have five running backs in the stable, all of which can take it to the house. OSU has always been a 'big' back place anyway. Let's move on.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger:(and forgive me for quoting Coop - but he is right on this)
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It is quite possible that McGuffie didn't get an offer not for a want of talent or ability to contribute to tOSU, but for a lack of interest in his part. Tressel and Co. don't go out chasing kids that they don't think are interested in coming here.

There is also the matter that we will have fantastic depth at RB for the next several years, and with the somewhat limited number of schollies left for this class that a RB, no matter how outstanding, isn't a priority. None of that is a knock on the kid. I wouldn't read too much into the lack of an offer, and I wouldn't read too much into anyone's disappointment that he didn't get one.

Personally, I thought his videos looked fantastic, and thought that talent-wise he was worthy of offers by top programs, including the Bucks. The fact that he didn't get one could be due to a variety of reasons, and won't cause me to lose any sleep. /trustthecoaches
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