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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

That's encouraging. He's got to be a top 3 safety in the entire nation unless I'm forgeting lots of them. He's a for sure 1st rounder next year.

most of the draft sites dont have him ranked at all. one had hm as the 5th best safety. even so, that is not a likely day 1 selection. there may be one safety taken in the 1st and maybe one or two in the 2nd. he would be a 3rd rounder at best.
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That's encouraging. He's got to be a top 3 safety in the entire nation unless I'm forgeting lots of them. He's a for sure 1st rounder next year.
laron landry (LSU), michael huff (tex; who doubles as a corner), darnell bing (usc), bernard pollard (purd), jason allen (tenn). that's one site's opinion for the top5, but I bet he would not be taken before those top 3, putting him in the late 2nd at best. he could be the third best in the nation, but I'm not sure the scouts would think so. he will likely be THE star of the osu defense next year
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basically the same as the previous article where Donte says he will get his evaluation and make a decision after talking to his family and JT. He says preliminary reports have him as a late first/early second round pick.
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