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rumor central and the cbj

jimotis4heisman;761321; said:
i agree, but at this point hes played like garbage all year. hes a ufa, better something than nothing i guess...


And Carolina is absolutely desperate to get into the playoffs at this point.

They mortgaged their future for a Cup last year, kind of like what Nashville did this year.
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the carter deal doesnt look good at all after this weekend...

thrashers: get tkachuk
blues: get 2007 1st rounder, 3rd rounder in 2007, 2nd in 2008, metropolit
and if atlanta resigns kt the blues get the 2008 first rounder

sharks: rivet, 5th rounder in 08
montreal: 1st rounder in 2007 and gorges

some talk of berard offers from the flames and oilers
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jimotis4heisman;763057; said:
the carter deal doesnt look good at all after this weekend...

thrashers: get tkachuk
blues: get 2007 1st rounder, 3rd rounder in 2007, 2nd in 2008, metropolit
and if atlanta resigns kt the blues get the 2008 first rounder

sharks: rivet, 5th rounder in 08
montreal: 1st rounder in 2007 and gorges

some talk of berard offers from the flames and oilers


I'm glad Tkachuk is out of the West :biggrin:

Now the Wings can get Guerin....or not....

Ken Holland isn't going to do anything I'm afraid.
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In case you were wondering too:

What is the E-System (e1, e2, e3, etc.)?

The E-System was devised with the intelligent hockey fan in mind as a way for Eklund to give subtle clues to rumors that are posted, as well as gauge the likelihood of a rumor turning into an actual trade or free agent signing.

E1 - This is a rumor that comes from a single reliable source not in any way directly connected to the players or teams involved.
E2 - This rumor is simply more than one reliable sources not in any way directly connected to the players or teams involved and not connected to each other. It does not have to equate to two E1’s. It could be several E1’s.
E3 - This rumor comes from a single source with ties somehow to the players or teams involved.
E4 - This rumor comes from more than one source with ties to the players or teams involved.
E5 - This rumor comes from source telling Eklund the deal is 100% done and just has not been announced yet. There has never been an E5 that has not indeed transpired.

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alright, Joe-new-Jackets-fan here...so help me out with something? has the deadline passed?

[uses Al Gore's Inter-web to find the answer]

okay, I see that it is tomorrow at 3 PM. so why would Berard need to clear waivers? in MLB you can obviously still trade someone after the deadline as long as they clear waivers. is that how it works in hockey as well?

also, any truth to the Dispatch report that the would "take a houseplant for Berard"? are they that desperate to dump him? are they planning on just releasing him, and that's why he's on waivers?

Hainsey came through for me again last night. Love watching that guy play.

I didn't see Glencross while I was flipping through the channels. What's the word on him and guys like Geoff Platt and Methot?
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