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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN

MililaniBuckeye;1833910; said:
The only reason I didn't put down my entire half-billion vCash on Wiscy is that I wanted to save half for our game.

Free. Fucking. vCash.

They're 3 days apart. I promise to pay out the Rose Bowl well before the Sugar is played. :wink2:
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I love TCU's aggressive style of play and defensive mentality. But, this Wisconsin team might be the best I've seen. They had some great teams in the 90's but I think this team has more talent from top to bottom than any. The defensive backfield is their achilles heel though. TCU doesnt really have the weapons though to exploit that.

TCU has to keep this game under 21 points to have a shot to win. I dont see that happening. Some times Wisky's running backs dont even see a defensive player until 15 yards downfield, let alone be tackled by one. Thats just ridiculous. They are going to romp in this one.
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Bestbuck36;1834104; said:
I love TCU's aggressive style of play and defensive mentality. But, this Wisconsin team might be the best I've seen. They had some great teams in the 90's but I think this team has more talent from top to bottom than any. The defensive backfield is their achilles heel though. TCU doesnt really have the weapons though to exploit that.

TCU has to keep this game under 21 points to have a shot to win. I dont see that happening. Some times Wisky's running backs dont even see a defensive player until 15 yards downfield, let alone be tackled by one. Thats just ridiculous. They are going to romp in this one.

If TCU stays with them for the first half, then they have a shot. I think if Wiscy pulls ahead in the first half, it's over as they won't be able to handle the meat wall that is Wiscys O-line as they wear them down.
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Have you ever seen a team that runs the ball so well that they can't stop scoring when they're trying to run out the clock? I have. Wisconsin is killing teams down the stretch; if they show up ready to play, forget about a +2.5 line. TCU will be lucky to escape with their lives.
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cincibuck;1837962; said:
TCU is not Purdue, Indiana, Michigan and Northwestern. They do play defense.

Keep in mind the rushing attacks TCU has been lucky enough to face this year.

I understand the Frogs have been defensively sound over the course of the past few years, but I can't remember a running game quite this dominant and prevalent in my years.
Granted, I'm not as..... 'ripe' as some on this board :biggrin:

But what Wisky has done this year on the ground is, IMHO, quite remarkable.
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