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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN

JBaney45;1829404; said:
Only 1 of those guys is actually bigger then 319 pounds. Besides the left tackle Wiscy is bigger at every spot on the line.

It's also about physicality and not just weight of course
Bigger by an average 59 lbs.

It reminds me of the Wisc-UCLA RB with Dane running wild and UW winning decidedly. Except TCU's offense isn't as good as UCLA's, and UW's offense is better that their 1998 version.
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Where can I bet in Cbus? Online?

If Wisconsin was less than a 20 pt favorite, I would take em. With TCU at 3, I wanna know where I can take this lottery ticket.

The great grape ape couldn't even begin to fathom what Wisky is gonna do to these guys. TCU might be able to create some mismatches on offense, but JJ Watt will singlehandedly disrupt their offense enough that Wisky will control TOP. As such, this is gonna be an EPIC FAILSCAPADE for TCU.

Wisky by 24.
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JBaney45;1829404; said:
Only 1 of those guys is actually bigger then 319 pounds. Besides the left tackle Wiscy is bigger at every spot on the line.

It's also about physicality and not just weight of course

This brings up the age old question:

What weighs more,....319 pounds of potatoes or 319 pounds of cheese?
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Can we get back to the fact that Professor Bienema slouches towards Pasadena, and TCU's sphincter will not hold.


Yeah, I went Yeats on your asses.
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TDunk;1830915; said:
Horned frogs + Anus =

If Horned Frogs aren't out gobbling up tickets, the Badgers will be doing some House of Pain at the Rose Bowl after the 3rd Q.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO6aUNpPYco"]YouTube - Ohio State Players "Jump Around" doing game Vs Wisconsin[/ame]
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I know there are some painful clips on here..but watch the wisconsin offensive line and receivers and count the amount of times there aren't guys getting blown up in the 2nd level:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnxQ2NIxPfw"]YouTube - Wisconsin's Three Headed Monster: Montee Ball, John Clay, James White 2010 Highlights[/ame]
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