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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN

cincibuck;1845357; said:
Time to warm up Eddie fisher on the Wisconsin side line, "If we ever needed you, we need you now.... " Damn, the Big 10 needs these guys to really roll one on the horny toads.

After the 3 losses to the SEC this afternoon, I don't think it's going to be a big deal for the conference when Wisconsin drubs TCU.
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Maybe it's my hangover that has me so pissed today..but Herbstreit is such an assface. "TCU wants to prove the experts wrong and show they can beat a team like Wisky". Fuck....they are ranked higher than Wisky and are a 2.5 point favorite.

Is Herbstreit this fucking dumb. He probably sits down to pee.
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Over/Under for "Speed" and/or "Swagger" references from Herbstreit today?

Also, minute mark and quarter when he starts talking about the "Ohio State" situation, even though the Buckeyes aren't playing in the Rose Bowl?
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