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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN


"My bad fellas..."
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Nicknam4;1845526; said:
What if they didn't make it and gave the ball to TCU?

Or if they made it then threw an interception?

1 point ballgame>3 point ballgame

If you can't pick up 6 inches when your offensive line outweighs the defenseive line by 50 pounds a player, then you don't deserve to win.
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TheIronColonel;1845597; said:
Wisconsin is averaging over 5 YPC. Time to dial up the hopeless deep heave PA pass again!

Bielema is outsmarting himself on offense, but I'm guessing his defense might have something to do with it. They can't stop TCU.
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TheIronColonel;1845605; said:
Wisconsin using the new cover -3 defense. How in the hell did this team keep us from throwing all over them?

Beats the hell out of me.

All I know is a lot of us are on the verge of kissing a ton of vbucks good bye.
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Jake;1845606; said:
Bielema is outsmarting himself on offense, but I'm guessing his defense might have something to do with it. They can't stop TCU.

Then Beilema is even stupider than I thought. If you can't stop them but can run the ball effectively, then you shorten the game and run it down their throats. Go high variance is the worst thing that you could do.
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That ball crossed the plane of the goal line. In college, that's a touchback. It's not the same as the NFL rule.

They better review it.

No review. Unreal.
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