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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN

As bad as this afternoon was, if Wiscy loses it'll be the worst of the day.

Their defense hasn't been on the field much, which is the only reason they're still in it. They haven't done shit to this point.
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Just keep going up the gut. Mix in a quick strike or play fake every 3rd or 4th play... TCU doesn't have the horses to man up and stop it so they're crashing heavy into the box.

I'm surprised we havent seen some more TE screens or slipping the FB out of the backfield more.
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Also pass interference, on that last long throw to Tune. The defender never turned to the ball and was waving his hand across Tune's eyes as he tried to catch the ball. Wow, the officiating is really one-sided here.

Wisky better pull up their socks.
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