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Rose Bowl, Wisconsin +2.5 vs TCU (ov/un 58.5) Jan 1 5:10 ET, ESPN

dragurd;1845630; said:
Not even close all it has to do is break the invisible plan of the goal line. Seen called a thousand times like that the past few years.

You are correct. Here is the rule:

Goal Lines?ARTICLE 1
Approved Ruling 2-11-1
I. Team A?s untouched scrimmage kick strikes the ground in the field of
play and breaks the plane of Team B?s goal line. While the ball is in
the air, A81, who is on the one-yard line, bats the ball into the field of
play. RULING: Violation. Team B?s option: touchback or possession
of the ball where declared dead (Exception: Rule 8-4-2-b).
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Bucknut24;1845634; said:
I think the Big 10 needs Michigan back BAD, a lot worse than I thought
I agree with this for the conference, but I honestly don't think the Big Ten has ever gotten what we bought in Penn State. PSU is mired in mediocrity with Joe Pa. You give both teams a better coach and I think Penn State might be the horse of the future.

NOTE: I'm not saying Penn State passes us, I just think our standard bearers are broken and I'm not just talking about Michigan.
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