Well, I'd put the "Big House" a small step above "The House That Rockne Built" After all, ND's stadium is just a small scale replica of Michigan's stadium (which is another reason I love the ND vs. Michigan rivalry). As a side note, I found out recently that Nebraska's stadium was built to look like Ohio State's stadium.
But ND stadium is pretty amazing. Some of my favorite things about ND's stadium:
-It didn't have lights until recent years, and whenever they were forced to have a night game for TV purposes, they had to bring it portable light trucks to light the field.
-Touchdown Jesus. I'll never forget the "Snow Bowl" between ND and Penn State when ND won the game on the unbelievable play in the final seconds of the game. It made me believe Touchdown Jesus was real.
-The traditional markings on the field. ND's field doesn't have a logo in the middle of the field like other teams, and ND's field doesn't have painted end zones or the team's name written there. Instead, ND's field is just a very plain, simple field. In the end zone, they only have diagonal white lines. It reminds you of the tradition of all the great players in ND's history that have played on that same field (Joe Montana, Joe Theismann, Steve Beuerlein, Tim Brown, Jerome Bettis, "Rocket" Ismail, the Four Horsemen, "The Gipper," etc).