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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

shetuck;1069637; said:
"Hey guys, I'm getting a lot of bad press! How do I show to the Michigan fans that I'm not a bad guy after all?"
"Go speak at a Michigan - Ohio State basketball game, act like you know how many days it is until The Game, and act like your team has a fucking chance of winning."
"Excuse me, what game are you referring to?"
"The Ohio State - Michigan basketball game on February 17th."
"No, the other one?"
"The other one? The Game? November 22nd?"
"Still drawing a blank."
"So this is what having a Cooper is like..."
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Leave Rich Rod Alone guy article said:
Dierwechter's store is not far from the university's campus on Mileground Road. He opened it last year, a couple of years after starting his online business that sells all sorts of fan gear, from apparel to inflatable couches.

Ummm... how do you burn an inflatable couch? Wouldn't it just melt?
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BuckeyeInTheBoro;1069868; said:
Ummm... how do you burn an inflatable couch? Wouldn't it just melt?

Throw it onto a bonfire - first remove any seated fans.

EDIT - worth mentioning that WV Governor Manchin fires back on the smear campaign accusations floated by Dick Wadriguez.

Manchin, WVU brass deny ‘smear campaign’
By Dave Hickman
Staff writer
MORGANTOWN — No one at West Virginia University is conducting a smear campaign against former football coach Rich Rodriguez, but his own actions have served that purpose fairly well. That’s according to Gov. Joe Manchin, who numbers among his friends parties on both sides of the dispute.
“As far as everyone I know — and that includes the president and the athletic director and most of the staff — there is no smear campaign,’’ Manchin told the Gazette. “The facts are simply what they are.’’
In breaking his own self-imposed silence on the matter of his move from West Virginia to Michigan, Rodriguez Thursday evening told Michigan reporters that accusations that he destroyed documents were merely the latest move in “a smear campaign’’ conducted by WVU officials and others in the state.
West Virginia deputy athletic director Mike Parsons called those accusations “ludicrous” and “absurd.”
“We’ve not done anything to try and smear Rich Rodriguez,’’ Parsons said.

In making his case that there is a smear campaign, Rodriguez said one example was reports regarding academic files.
“You read the thing about erasing all the academic files, and then the next day, you read, ‘Oh, no, we have the academic files.’ So the corrections are on Page 6, and the lead story is on Page 1,’’ Rodriguez said. “I’m thinking, OK, so you just let it pass because, eventually, people will realize there’s a different agenda why they’re doing this. But I just want everybody to move forward.’’
The story of the missing files, first reported in the Gazette Tuesday, never mentioned anything about erasing academic records. It merely said that among the wide range of information in the missing files were notes regarding missed classes by players.


Rodriguez also disputed that he called Michigan recruits while still the coach at West Virginia, which apparently is something else he considers part of a smear campaign.
“I did not call a single ... I don’t recall exactly the particular time or how I made the call, but I never called a single Michigan recruit before I resigned as a coach at West Virginia,’’ Rodriguez said.

But while he may not have called Michigan recruits — players who had either committed to or were considering UM — he did call uncommitted recruits who had been considering West Virginia. Included among those was the nation’s top-rated quarterback, Terrelle Pryor of Jeannette, Pa., who within minutes of talking to Rodriguez (and before Rodriguez had resigned or told his team of his intent) was quoted by a recruiting Web site as saying Michigan had just been added to his list of prospective schools.
Mmm - puts some the assumptions in Mandel's article in a slightly different light - though the WV Governor getting into the middle of this spat is, well, unseemly at best.
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HailToMichigan;1068648; said:
If you're willing to overlook the giant shitstain that is Maurice Clarett

blah blah. the NCAA parked their asses on campus FOR TWO FREAKING YEARS and didn't find a damn thing. when the he said/she said involves a convicted felon, it might not be a wise choice to take the felon's word for it.
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In one of his first interviews after taking scUM job, he said that tOSU is just another game......Remember the last coach that said this about THE GAME. And what happened ???? I hope it plays out the same way for him :)
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MaizeandBlue;1069927; said:
i bet he is gonna sue for $4 million dollars on grounds of defimation of character.
Then he's probably gonna name Grad in the suit.. cuz Grad has said some really bad things about this sleaseball...

Will he have to spell it right in order for him to file a defamation lawsuit?
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You read the thing about erasing all the academic files, and then the next day, you read, ?Oh, no, we have the academic files.?

RR purposely words this to sound like it refutes the missing file charge while he knows full well it does not. Academic records were not the issue.

?I did not call a single ... I don?t recall exactly the particular time or how I made the call, but I never called a single Michigan recruit before I resigned as a coach at West Virginia,??

Again RR purposely states this in a way to sound like it refutes the charges of calling recruits when he knows full well it does not. Nobody cares whether or not he called Michigan recruits - it is WVU recruits who are at issue.

This is political doubles speak and defines the man as clearly as anything else that has happened.

Who wants their kids to play for a coach who views the truth as a tool to be manipulated.
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