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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

The Q&A part of JT's presser today, when asked about the TSUN situation.


REPORTER: There have been the allegations at Michigan recently about them going over the limit of practice time in the 20-hour week. How does Ohio State monitor itself to stay within that 20-hour limit and walking the line between what is mandatory for players and what is voluntary on their behalf? How do you do that? Is that ever a difficult thing to do?

COACH TRESSEL: Well, we all have compliance forms and so forth that we fill out and so forth. I mentioned on the Big Ten call when someone asked a similar question is that what makes it difficult is how good these kids want to be. Sometimes you have to chain the doors of the Woody Hayes center, you know, to get them out of there. Act like you're cleaning the floor of the weight room or something because these kids want to be good. They want to train. They want to get their buddies in there and throw the ball around, those kinds of things.

So what's important is, A, we're not around and, B, we don't prescribe things. Do kids ask, hey, what do I need to do to get better? Okay, son, you need to work on your foot work, you need to do these things and so forth and if they go out and do them, it'd be like telling our med students, we're going to close the library, you've got to let them go to the library, you've got to let them train. There is a fine line, but the safeguards we have are we have set schedules and forms that we fill out, just like everyone.

REPORTER: Have you ever had any indication from players of guys saying, this is too much or getting an idea that too much is expected of them? Too much time is expected of them?

COACH TRESSEL: Oh, I think we all have those moments in our lives that we feel a little bit like maybe more is asked of me than is fair or whatever, but I haven't seen -- you know, I've never had anyone come into my office and say, hey, Coach, I think too much is being asked of me. In fact, honestly, I've taken over two programs and been an assistant for a third and whenever you go to a program and you interview each kid that comes in, he says, you know, Coach, we lost our discipline, we lost our toughness, we need to work harder, we didn't spend enough time at it, you know, all those things, and we need to work more at it.

So I think deep down kids want to work hard and I haven't had anyone come in and say, you know what, Coach, we spent too much time at it and that's why we didn't do as well as we wanted to do. You've got Branden Joe a former player back there and I'm sure he could answer it if
you get a chance to get an exclusive with him, but --

REPORTER: Have you followed then what Michigan has been dealing with?

COACH TRESSEL: I really haven't, other than I heard that -- you know.

REPORTER: Do you think a distraction like that affects every team in the Big Ten or have you been able to curtail its impact on your team?

COACH TRESSEL: A distraction?

REPORTER: Yeah. Is it a distraction for the entire Big Ten?

COACH TRESSEL: Oh, no, the only distraction we have right now is Navy and figuring out how to stop that option and all that stuff. Got to give Lori the last call. I've got three captains all dressed up in their Sunday go-to-meeting clothes, so --
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MililaniBuckeye;1527406; said:
How about the unauthorized personnel being at the voluntary practices?

I have zero problem with players doing [censored] on their own, and also understand that the coaching staffs at most/all schools have an idea as to who puts in the extra time, but when multiple players flat out claim the staff knowingly violates numerous requirements on a consistent basis the NCAA should at least make an effort to verify/refute the claims.

Seriously bro, Coaches find ways to 'pass by'

This isn't just a Michigan thing. I'd love to drag them here, but it would be a lie.
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Before we all see Dick Wad as Satan in carinate, and God, how comfortable I am with that image, let us remember that winning is a beast and prostitutes many a university. Kinesiology? No worse than the many "communications, physical education, recreation, criminology majors" that pop up at every other major university.

There isn't a single school in the US that hasn't made room for someone who can put the ball through the hoop or rush for a K, or made a program that assures that such folks will remain in school long enough to be "useful."

I do take pleasure in the fact that while Michigan fans were quick to thumbs their noses at Andy Katzenmoyer's summer schedule of sex, golf and aids, they were quick to ignore the fact that their own Heisman Award winner could barely complete a full sentence.

But the shame is on both schools for allowing such to happen. It takes someone of exceptional physical AND mental capabilities to truely make use of a sports scholarship. the idea that this is education on the cheap, for playing a game, is pure myth. Once given a scholarship a student quickly finds out that the sport/coach is the boss.

There are no "clean" programs out there, folks. These kids are taking on jobs; very demanding jobs, and in that regard there is little to choose between Dick Wad and Jim Tressel.
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Per JT:

So what's important is, A, we're not around and, B, we don't prescribe things.

Evidence suggested UM was around and did prescribe things.

Just disappointed they didn't twist in the wind a while longer. The issue is not one of fairness - it is about watching RR and our rival suffer.
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cincibuck;1527448; said:
I do take pleasure in the fact that while Michigan fans were quick to thumbs their noses at Andy Katzenmoyer's summer schedule of sex, golf and aids, they were quick to ignore the fact that their own Heisman Award winner could barely complete a full sentence.

Who was our Heisman winner who could barely mumble a full sentence?
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Before we all see Dick Wad as Satan in carinate,


Over 4500 posts and I have never caught cincibuck making an error in spelling, grammar or word usage. I have never found him to use make posts that were anything but clear and insightful.

But unless you mean that either Satan or Dick Wad are keel shaped, the word you were looking for in the sentence is "incarnate".

So their!
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Oh8ch;1527459; said:

Over 4500 posts and I have never caught cincibuck making an error in spelling, grammar or word usage. I have never found him to use make posts that were anything but clear and insightful.

But unless you mean that either Satan or Dick Wad are keel shaped, the word you were looking for in the sentence is "incarnate".

So their!

I is really stupid bouts me English, so I shalln't never mention any of ya'lls goofs. But that caught me as funny, you probably meant it that way oh8ch, but still funny.
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jthorp24;1527455; said:
Sounds like somebody is worried :) Wouldn't you want a moron coaching at Michigan?

Yes, I'm terrified. It's obvious, I'm really trying to hide it. Richie and his army of 5'10/170 LB recievers and mini-running backs and undersized linebackers scares the bejeezus out of me. God help us...God help us all. :sad:
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