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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

ant80;1527062; said:
Llllllloyd FCS Carr on RR.
The last 10 seconds of that interview are worth its weight in gold. I've seen enough grumpy Lloyd press conferences to know what that means. I don't know if I've heard a more damning non-answer since Mark McGwire's "I'm not here to talk about the past ..."
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Have a theory

I think some players, through fall practice, have seen exactly how this season is going to go down(they're going to suck) and have just had enough. Think of how hopeless a feeling it must be to go through that nonsense everyday only to KNOW that the season will be murder? You're catching hell from the fanbase, the television, the internet, your classmates(I don't know, does anyone else other than athletes major in Kinesiology at Michigan? Maybe they won't catch hell in class, anyway...), BUT THEN, you go in every Sunday and get the piss beat out of you by Barwis. I think some are just breaking.........................
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martinss01;1526881; said:
certainly logical. however, if you fire dickrod who do you name as the head coach? i can't imagine any self respecting coach abandoning their team the first week of a new season. so i have to think anyone you would want wouldn't be available and anyone available wouldn't be qualified/desireable.
Yeah - I assume it goes to an interim - an assistant or retired coach like Brooks who will care take of things during the turbulent year.
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Some interesting comments from the days immediately following RichRod's hiring....

Jaxbuck;1030231; said:
The only name that could have made me happier was DeBord.

I am estatic over this one. As I said in the other thread, scUM just hired their John L Smith. The next 3-5 years are going to be fun.

LitlBuck;1030245; said:
After his press conference after the loss to Pittsburgh, I can hardly wait for his meltdowns over the next 10 years when sCum loses their last game of the regular-season. I just hope he doesn't cry.

heisman;1030319; said:
Not sure it's soft, but they are not physical on either side of the ball. In WVU's two losses, USF had better athletes than them and outran them sideline to sideline. They beat them at their own game. Pitt, on the other hand, just physically manhandled them up front, leaving them looking for answers, to which they could not find. Big East teams don't play a physical style of football. His style fit in very well. This will not be the case going forward.
Interesting take, given Barwis-gate....

mendensa;1030356; said:
With RR going to Michigan, I don't think it's going to be a quick, pretty, transformation for Michigan. I think they will go through a few years of growing pains.

Bill Lucas;1030368; said:
I think it's going to take some time to implement that offense up there. I'm not sure the current and currently recruited personnel fits the mold.

sandgk;1030688; said:
No surprise, but I am far from sold on this hire.

I look at coaches at major institutions as having three hats.

Hat 1 - The Coach
First hat is where Rodriguez has the highest reputation - innovative and a winner. Runs a very tough practice / program. Though there are still question marks about his ability to win in close games.
Hat 2 - The Recruiter
Second hat has well documented question marks against it. The litany of colorful to criminal that have played for him at WVU is long enough to cause concern, not just for TSUN faithful but for the Conference as a whole. Preemptive poaching of your soon to be erstwhile institution's number 1 target for 2008 doesn't look good either.
Hat 3 - The Man
Third hat - well if last year wasn't bad enough the current hiring process and story should provide some cause for concern. If Rodriguez got the offer he couldn't refuse from TSUN, what next? A tasty morsel of Pro Football perhaps a few years down the line?
Performing a poach job on the number one target for WVU's 2008 class before any other business is handled looks downright sleazy as well.
On the plus side he reportedly uses photos to make a wall of fame for any player on squad netting a 3.0 or better grade.
Good job kinesiology and General Studies are staple diets at TSUN. :)

I'll tip him one hat out of the three, the rest he has to prove.

kn1f3party;1030723; said:
This looks like its going to get ugly. Hard transitions lead to hard feelings.

buckeyeinfla;1030733; said:
few things: 1. did he mention the rivalry? 2. a 3-3-5?? are you serious? that is just stupid 3. did i hear beanie cook and jesse palmer say osu would have to recruit athletes to keep up with the michigan speed? 4. RR is wont be able to get marginal kids into school anymore..see noel devine...5. long year ahead for dick rod
See Justin Turner....

Shivvy77;1030766; said:
I caught the last 10 minutes of the interview. It was very "chummy" and Ramrod really went out of his way to ingratiate himself with the Detriot/Ann Arbor media. It would have been very cute if he did not seem like he had just fallen off the turnip truck and was in full "aw-shucks" mode for the local media and alums, which are so obviously smarter than the "corn-pone" folksy Rodriguez. I wonder how long the honeymoon will last before the snobby, Michigan faux-intelligenstia start questioning the intelligence of a guy who sounds like he was repairing heating oil delivery trucks last week. Rodriguez definitely said that he would "likely" bring the 3-3-5 defense to Michigan next year. He also said, in essence, that the current Michigan coaching staff would be evaluated on a case by case basis but strongly implied that there would be some key positions going to his guys from West Virginia (who I am sure are real Mensa guys too).
Not long....

BuckeyePride;1030248; said:
could they have hired their version of cooper?
No. Cooper could recruit, he beat MAC teams, and he didn't cheat.

BTW, I sometimes wonder if Coop's teams spent ANY time prepping for Michigan or bowl games....
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Fiu's take on the situation.


Sorry if this column sucks, it?s not my fault ? I spent more than the NCAA mandated four hours working on it today, and like the 2008 Michigan Wolverines, nothing positive came from the extra effort.

If you?re going to get tagged, at least go the Rick Pitino route and have some fun along the way. ? Getting slapped on the wrist for making your players practice too much is like going into a job interview and saying your biggest weakness is that you work too hard. (By the way, if you?re ever asked the biggest weakness question when applying for a job, say that you?re not a good enough dancer. Say it straight, don?t blink, and don?t expand. Let your interviewer groove on the B.S. question that got thrown back in his face.) Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez might get in trouble because his players got in some extra work instead of having free time to play video games, nap, and play more video games, but USC is still running free after the Reggie Bush era. Got it.

The problem isn?t that Michigan players lifted extra weights or did more film study beyond the mandated time allowed, every program worth its salt obliterates the four hour a day, 20 hour a week time frame dictated by the NCAA, the problem is 1) that Rodriguez appears to have lied his tail off, feeding his critics even more fuel, and 2) he appears to be getting crushed by the enormous pressure of trying to rebuild a program at a place doesn?t take too kindly to 3-9 football seasons.

It?s important to note and to keep in mind that Michigan allegedly broke an arbitrary, NCAA-created rule that?s universally accepted as a joke. Even if football staffs keep within the number of hours allowed by the NCAA with the strictest of schedules, the players are often doing other things on their own beyond the attention of the coaches ? they have to. From running extra route trees to doing more conditioning work to taking home video to study, playing college football is a full-time job. At least it is for any program that?s any good. Rodriguez knows that, and so does every other college coach. It?s really not that big a deal, but Rodriguez threw gas on the fire with his weepy press conference.

Rodriguez needed to take a walk around the block, get his emotions together, and come in to his press conference and say, ?Yeah, we?re working overtime around here. We have to get Michigan football back to the level our fans, our students, and our players demand, and to do that, we have to do more. Much more. The college experience should teach these young men that you have to work overtime to achieve anything positive, and if they don?t like it, then they can go play for Ohio State, because I?m suuuuuure they?re following the time allotment guidelines to a T. Now if you?ll exsqueeze me, I have a football program to rebuild. Good morrow to you.?

Cont'd ...
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Just posted on the UM free boards...

I am Craig Roh's dad and had the pleasure of experiencing first-hand the recruiting process and first summer with the UM program. I feel obligated to share with readers concrete evidence of the integrity and compliance of the Rich Rod program and staff. My son chose UM because it is one of the few schools in the country that has great football AND academics. He could have gone to UCLA, Cal, Stanford, USC..all great academic schools and he chose Michigan because it had the best of both.

He also selected UM because of the intensity and straight talk of the coaching staff. The first person he met was Mike Barwis. After spending an hour with Barwis, Craig turned to me and said, "He will make me the best I can be. That's what I want." When he met Rich Rod, he was further impressed with his openness and vision. Craig came here BECAUSE of the work ethic that was to be required of him. He WANTS to be pushed to the limits, not coddled and pampered.

He was recruited by Tony Dews. I am here to say that Coach Dews complied with every letter of the rules throughout the entire recruitment process, even the ones that seem senseless. He would not even give me a ride to lunch or pick up a $5 lunch tab because it was against the rules. He informed us of the recruiting rules over and over again. As I watched 35 schools recruit my son, I would put Michigan at the top of the integrity scale when it came to recruiting.

Let's talk about Craig's first summer. Again, Coach Dews made it abundantly clear what we had to pay for and what the school was allowed to pay for, what our responsiblities were and what the school's were. I was tired of hearing about all the rules. It was like dealing with the IRS. There was NO push to report to school early, in fact we were told that if craig wanted to report to summer school early, it was on his dime and totally voluntary. Craig's summer was very balanced. He VOLUNTARILY asked to watch tape as much as he could. Nobody pushed him to do it or even suggested it. He had more free time than he wanted.

Lastly, I know for a fact that Craig missed workouts in the summer and even missed parts of at least three practices at camp so that he could attend class. He was excused with absolutely no repercussions by the coaching staff.

I am assuming that players who choose to come to UM under Rich Rod are coming here BECAUSE its hard. They want to become the best. They want to be pushed. They want great academics and great football environment. I detest the accusations made by the Freep. They think they are doing these kids a favor by easing up the workload and, in reality, they are undermining the very reason the kids chose UM!

Fred Roh
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