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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

DaveyBoy;1525784; said:
NF...Harbaugh is a pretty good coach. UM can't afford to screw up their next hire. At least with Harbaugh they get a guy that won't go anywhere else...except possibly the NFL. Harbaugh will not do anything to tarnish the image of his alma mater.

Harbaugh just got a sixty thousand dollar shitter installed next to his office that was paid for by a very wealthy donor. He ain't leavin' Stanford.

cincibuck;1526117; said:
So, do you think that a losses to Stanford and Oregon State along with the weakness of the rest of the Pac 10 didn't cost USC at bowl time?

You say USC, I say FSU. FSU mopped the ACC world throughout the 90s with shit for "in-conference" competition. Didn't hurt them a smidge, did it?

Rich Rod said:
He'll go to church with them on Sunday.

I'd hate to know what holy trinity Barwis was preaching on the Sundays after losses.
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On their boards, most UM fans are saying it's just a hatchet job by Rosenberg and that he has never liked the Rodriguez hire. The article linked by osugrad21 (post 225) refutes their contention that Rosenberg never liked Rodriguez.

osugrad21;1030609; said:

MICHAEL ROSENBERG: U-M didn't make a good hire -- it made a great one

December 17, 2007
Michigan hired a great football coach Sunday. Not a good one, like Greg Schiano. Not a very good one, like Les Miles. A great one.
Rich Rodriguez basically invented the spread-option offense. He has done an outstanding job by any measure at West Virginia. For years, the Mountaineers were considered well-coached overachievers under Don Nehlen, and Rodriguez has somehow improved on Nehlen's success.

Rodriguez fits Michigan's most fundamental criteria: He is a proven head coach from a major conference, he is young enough (44) to potentially stay in Ann Arbor for 15 to 20 years, and he has recruited the Midwest. For the Michigan football fan who has complained incessantly for the last 10 years, Rodriguez might as well show up at this morning's news conference dressed in wrapping paper and a bow.
Have you been begging for a spread offense? Coach Rod practically invented it. Do you want a defense that can stop the spread? Rodriguez's defense will face the spread every day in practice. Have you been begging for fresh blood? Rodriguez, with no ties to U-M, might as well come from another continent.
So that's all great. But before anybody pencils U-M into the national title game every year, I hope everybody understands the essential challenge of Rodriguez's tenure:

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Ttown;1526200; said:
I didn't read where he denied the allegations, or maybe I just read through it too fast.
I hope they go 3-9 again.:oh:

I listened to it live, and I didn't really hear a denial, either. It sounded more like asking a guy if he's cheating on his wife, and he replies by telling you what a great cook she is...rotten apples vs. oranges.

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ysubuck;1526103; said:
The problem I have is the coverage.

espin has already covered this story more in three days than it has the shenanigans at USC the last 3 years.

Uh, no.

USC, Tim Floyd have no excuse for turning a blind eye - Columnist - ESPN



Former USC basketball player O.J. Mayo received thousands of dollars in cash, clothes and other benefits in apparent violation of NCAA rules while he was still in high school and during his freshman year in college, a former Mayo associate told ESPN's "Outside the Lines." News

? Source: Mayo talks to U.S. Attorney
? Report: Floyd gave money to Mayo handler
? Johnson question by NCAA, USC, Pac-10
? Mayo hires agent who represents LeBron
? Attorney: Feds investigating funds in Mayo case
? Official probing credit card use
? Mayo arrives at pre-draft camp, pleads innocence
? Mayo cuts ties with agent
? Report: USC to say it didn't know of impropriety
? Wolves not turned off by allegations against Mayo
? Report: NBPA investigating agent dealings
? Report: Ex-Mayo associate to cooperate
? Report: Mayo's HS can keep titles
? NCAA to investigate Mayo with "new information"
? O.J. Mayo denies receiving money, gifts

? Watch: Mayo pre-draft workout in Chicago
? Watch: USC campus reacts to Mayo allegations
? Watch: O.J. Mayo, others react to the OTL report
? Watch: "Outside the Lines" investigation Analysis

? Katz: What's next in the Mayo investigations?
? Chad Ford: How "bad" is Mayo?

? Stephen A. Smith: What's the big deal?
? Katz: Mayo projected into the lottery

? Bilas: What can be done to help?

? Keown: Mayo demonstrates NBA rule a disaster
? Katz: Academic issue with one-and-dones
? TrueHoop: NBA buzzing about Mayo
? Ford: Mayo's draft stock shouldn't change

? Gottlieb: Cheating rewards outweigh the risks

? Vitale: Mayo mess proves one-and-done is a joke
? Forde: USC should've known better about Mayo
? Naqi: Guillory tied to Mayo, agent Bill Duffy

? Myles Brand says he favors a two-year rule

? Dave Telep: Mayo isn't the only one

? Forde: USC has no excuse for not knowing

? Chat wrap with OTL reporter Kelly Naqi

? Chat wrap with Pat Forde


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Funny thing is if scum had hire a scum guy who believed in the scum family values they would still be a 9-3 team at worst, maybe better if they hired a coach that could recruit a few better players than they were getting for their old system. Now the whole team is a complete cluster and a losing record will likely get RR the boot. How fun would it be to see them bring in a coach that has to get back the type of players that Carr got to run the old scum system? They would probably be 4 or 5 years from contending.
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goblue15;1526128; said:
He is emotional because all he has heard for the last year is that the programs family values have eroded, he does not care about his players well-being, and now he is cheating.
Uh, maybe he brought this upon himself?

goblue15;1526128; said:
Rich and this staff took this as a personal attack, I don't know if he will ever get over it.

goblue15;1526128; said:
That is why I have maintained Rich is in a no win situation here and I have trouble seeing him coaching here next year.
No, he put himself in a no-win situation by the way he left WVU, his pounding a square peg into a round hole systems-wise, and his win-at-all-costs methods which are now coming clearly into public view.

DickRod cares about no one but DickRod.
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muffler dragon;1526197; said:
You say USC, I say FSU. FSU mopped the ACC world throughout the 90s with shit for "in-conference" competition. Didn't hurt them a smidge, did it?

The Semihole team I saw mop the Superdome floor with buckeyes could have played with anybody in any conference. They had a ton of kids get picked up in the draft (some of whom could read and write) unlike the Boise States and BYUs of the world. The quality of the talent was obvious and reflected in their rankings.
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20 hours a week? What a joke. I don't care if you have a scholarship for playing tiddly winks you're taking on a full time job + academics. I've had kids go on to colleges big and small after I coached them in high school and it doesn't matter if you go to a Big 10 school or the Wittenberg/Denison/Sinclair State, if someone lets you in or gives you money you're going to be expected to pay it back in hours of work and sweat. Voluntary schmaluntary. If a coach suggests it's to be taken as an order.
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