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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Could the hiring of Rodriguez and the events after gone any better?


Some other things to consider:

1. Regardless of how long this drags out and what the final resolution is, UM currently has 18 verbals and no signed LOIs.

2. One week before their first game they are facing a major distraction. And not one involving a particular player that they can be told to ignore. This involves everyone on the team and how they spend their time. The very idea of putting in some extra time voluntarily is is subject to question. They are looking over their shoulder to see who is watching - be it the coaches, their own teammates or the NCAA. The very sacrifices they have been asked to make for the sake of winning are now being called into question as against the rules.

3. There may be (and almost certainly are) upperclassmen on this team who do not like what they have gone through the past year and a half but did not transfer - and they suddenly have leverage. Not the kids who talked to the FREEP, but kids who are thinking now may not be such a bad time to do so. Even those who bleed Maize and Blue have to be asking "Am I doing what is best for UM football by toeing the line, or is the best thing to lobby for change."

4. These kids have parents who may have been sitting on the sidelines for the past year and a half thinking "Gee, this seems kind of harsh, but I guess this is college football" who are now thinking "Hey, that's my kid. What kind of parent am I? How have I been letting them do this without saying anything."

5. If there is some other issue hiding in the bushes - however small - and one of these players or parents decides now is the time to raise the flag the UM administration will be under intense pressure to do something.

6. If I am part of the UM administration I have to be asking, "Even if we get past this, what is on the other side? How much do I want to put on the line for THIS man. How hard to I want to fight for someone who may be 6-6 in January so that I can fight even harder against the alumni who will want to fire him then?"

But then again, I am just an OSU homer trying to kick an honest man while he is down.
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Tater's dad says it's all BS...

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Oh8ch - they have to go through this season with a flat affect. They will support him until it is over and they are bowl-less again.

What else can they do? Season is about to start, so they have to soldier on and keep the back biting to a minimum until the deadly vote of confidence at the end of the year.
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I think this is the perfect time for scUM to clean up the mess. Boot DickRod who has proved again not only to be a a classless jizz stain, but a shitty coach (in Michigan standards). scUM comes away looking caring and responsible, and get a mini free pass for the bad hire. Then go out and get someone that can bring class back to our rivalry.
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Gatorubet;1525807; said:
Oh8ch - they have to go through this season with a flat affect. They will support him until it is over and they are bowl-less again.

What else can they do? Season is about to start, so they have to soldier on and keep the back biting to a minimum until the deadly vote of confidence at the end of the year.

I'm going to keep saying it because well, I like thinking about it.

A loss this Saturday to WMU is going to produce an event in AA that will have south pacific tsunami watchers spilling coffee when their seismographs register it.
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Oh8ch;1525802; said:
3. There may be (and almost certainly are) upperclassmen on this team who do not like what they have gone through the past year and a half but did not transfer - and they suddenly have leverage. Not the kids who talked to the FREEP, but kids who are thinking now may not be such a bad time to do so. Even those who bleed Maize and Blue have to be asking "Am I doing what is best for UM football by toeing the line, or is the best thing to lobby for change."
John Mackovic's Arizona team turned on him midway through year two, and the mutiny was lead by upper-classmen.

The similarities between Mackovic's situation and R-Rod's are striking, including the fact they both cry like little bitches during bad losses and at post game press conferences. Remember, Mackovic's biggest sin was his players quit when he ran them 'til they dropped, and that didn't translate into 10 win seasons.
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