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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

hahahah "dick rod" wow......

Look I can see why it's viewed as freaking out and I thought the Pryor thread was closed down strictly because of the "man I hope we get him" threads. Or else I wouldn't have ever posted such thing. didn't mean to do it but just thought I'd see if people thought Pryor would chose UM thats all.

Also I don't mean to handicap Tressel in the pryor recruiting either, but I wish more kids would look at the personality of the coach (OSU) instead of going where the playing time is or where he feels wanted/needed.

I also agree with the last poster saying "Don't these kids question the character of a coach constantly looking for a new job"... couldn't agree more and repped you for that
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osugrad21;1030275; said:
...he has run some damn good offenses at Tulane, Clemson, and now WVU.

What I find interesting is his talent at shaping an offense, how it interacts with the current state of our rivalary and what that might mean for the future. There is no doubt that RRod has been at the forefront of offensive inovation in CF for the last 15 years. RRod is very proud, as he should be I might add, of his part in return option football to the college game with the spread option. He is invested in the idea of the spread option, so much so that he has told various TV commentators (who repeated it to their audience) that if he would ever take an NFL job, he would implement it there. That IMO is either hyperbole or delusion on his part.

Enter, RRod, Michigan Man. He has already said he is bringing the spread option with him. But what so many on the Michigan boards seem to be missing today is that the spread option is not just the spread with some QB runs thrown in. It will require a complete change in the type of personel that scUM recruits. Its hard to see how they will change from an I formation pro set team to a spread option team in anything less then 2 years.

All of the nonsense above was to set the stage for the following question.

How many years can RRod coach at Michigan without a win over The Ohio State University?

I say 2 years. Given the fact the scUM is currently working on a 4 year losing streak now if RRod loses to us in 2008, 2009 and 2010 he can not survive. My breadown-

2008 In Columbus- Whoever comes back vs Michigan's new offense and maybe their new defense (Please God let them try a 3-3-5 againist Beanie)

2009 In AA-Our Juniors and seniors plus the supersophs vs Their sophmore and freshman class. scUM to have a chance needs to upgrade this years class with people that fit RRod offense.

2010 back in Columbus. What I think is their first (and RRods only) shot.

So for me the question is not if RRod can get it done but if he will be given the time to get it done.

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After giving this some more thought, I'd like to remind some that UM has been quite capable on offense over the last few years. Their issues have been on defense. The most important hire to be made will be the next UM DC. Rodriguez can change, keep, tinker, tweak, whatever he wants to offensively. I am of the opinion that their defense needs more work than the offense. Now, does that include English, and his vaunted recruiting abilities, jury is out on his coordinating ability, or do we see someone new in maize and blue?
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man on another hand I bet WVU hates michigan with a passion! taking both the basketball/football coach is kind of strange. I think it would be unfair if they only gave RR a couple years to beat OSU though. IMO he'll do better than Carr as far as nonconference/bowl/non Ohio State goes, but I think he will struggle against OSU. He doesn't "get" the rivalry and he'll never get the rivalry and we have a coach that not only gets it but embraces it.

I think there will be changes everywhere for Michigan on Defense though. As far as personnel and coaching goes... Rich has been more bout getting speed on the defensive side of the ball hence the smaller defenses he throws out there with the 3-3-5
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man on another hand I bet WVU hates michigan with a passion! taking both the basketball/football coach is kind of strange. I think it would be unfair if they only gave RR a couple years to beat OSU though. IMO he'll do better than Carr as far as nonconference/bowl/non Ohio State goes, but I think he will struggle against OSU. He doesn't "get" the rivalry and he'll never get the rivalry and we have a coach that not only gets it but embraces it.

I think there will be changes everywhere for Michigan on Defense though. As far as personnel and coaching goes... Rich has been more bout getting speed on the defensive side of the ball hence the smaller defenses he throws out there with the 3-3-5
WVU hates everything non-WVU.
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Before I make my point, I have to make a confession.

I listen to sports-talk radio.

Well, "listen" is probably too strong a word. The problem is the way my brain works: constantly. I always have more than 1 'thread' of thought running. When I have to concentrate, like when I'm at work or driving; having background noise to keep the "passive" part of my brain busy is damn near a necessity.

Now that I have that out of the way...

Based on what Colin Cowheard has been saying about 'the spread' owning Ohio State (that some OSU fans are parroting this nonsense is tiresome); I absolutely guarantee that he will absolutely guarantee that Tressel will morph into Cooper when going up against the almighty RichRod. He will spend half his show (at least) incessantly repeating that OSU will not win a game in the series after 2008 until RichRod retires.

I, for one, will be very amused; and I am not being at all sarcastic. Cowheard is a talented radio guy; you don't get a syndicated show if you aren't... But he is one of the stupidest syndicated guys in the history of radio. Talent yes, brains not so much. Taking him seriously is a game for fools. He is as transparent as transparent can be.
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Cowherd is a good listen thats for sure but man he doesn't show OSU any love. I think personally he does it on purpose because he knows we're one of the biggest most proudest fan bases there is out there of any sport regaurdless of level. I sure an the hell hope you're joking when you say that Cowherd is sayin the spread "owns" ohio state. I would have to believe that Ohio State covers the spread more than most teams do.

I just don't think Rich will bring the sense of urgency that Jim Tressel will bring into our "game". Heck he can't even match Carr's intensity and we all now how that went
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bukIpower;1030382; said:
I just don't think Rich will bring the sense of urgency that Jim Tressel will bring into our "game". Heck he can't even match Carr's intensity and we all now how that went
I think you're overplaying that angle a bit. It doesn't take a born-and-bred Michigander/Ohioan to appreciate the rivalry. That's part of the beauty of it. If guys can come in from New York and Texas and California and be indoctrinated into the rivalry, RR shouldn't have any trouble either.
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true Hail but at the same time look what having someone who understood the rivalry did for Ohio State. Going from a coach like Cooper to Jim Tressel was night and day. I'm not saying RR will go 0-10 (I hope he does though, don't let me down RICH!) but I'm saying I believe OSU will definatly have the better mentality. IMO the kids take on the image of their coach most of the time and if the coach doesn't quite get "the game" the players might do the same.
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bukIpower;1030392; said:
true Hail but at the same time look what having someone who understood the rivalry did for Ohio State. Going from a coach like Cooper to Jim Tressel was night and day. I'm not saying RR will go 0-10 (I hope he does though, don't let me down RICH!) but I'm saying I believe OSU will definatly have the better mentality. IMO the kids take on the image of their coach most of the time and if the coach doesn't quite get "the game" the players might do the same.
A better example would be look what having someone who embodied the rivalry did for TSUN -
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