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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

bukIpower;1030326; said:
ain't goin to lie but if (when) they get Pryor they will make BIG problems for OSU. If you look in the past the teams that have beat us they have one thing in common.... I mobile QB.

2005- VY, and Michael Robinson
2006- Tim Tebow, Chris Leak
2007- Juice Williams...

IF he really does go to michigan I'll be one worried kid... to be honest why wouldn't he go to michigan though? He gets to be the starter right away, he gets to play in a pass/run offense, and he gets to go to a place that gets good players/national attention as well. IMO him not going to Michigan would be a major surprise. Anyone else see Pryor going there? Also what are the chances Jenkins goes to Michigan as well??

Vince beat us with his arm that day. Michael Robinson beat us with his defense that day. Chris Leak (is not mobile) and Tim Tebow beat us with their defense that day. Despite my excuses for the other games, I give all the credit in the world to Juice. His bulb burned bright that day.
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The thing Terrelle won't take into account and I wish he would is what we do with our personel. We dont' stick to one system we play a system that fits our kids. Look at what Troy did not what Todd is doing. He's been quoted as being worried about our system and that's weird he would say such a thing when we just imployed an offense for a mobile QB just last year?? How quickly things are forgotten!
You really think this hasn't been addressed since that article? Heck you don't even need a bright coaching mind, just have Brewster send Pryor a youtube link from any of the past 3 seasons. How exactly did Pryor get interested in OSU if he remembers nothing from that era?

Perhaps the concern is not as valid/legit as it appears.
I'd say it's now 50/50 OSU and michigan, but he hasn't even visited Michigan yet so once I think he does that it's over.
Well then let's pack it in, it's over guys.
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bukIpower;1030340; said:
true but at the same time that could be a reason WHY he goes... You have a chance to play for Rich, who will put Terrelle in a position to succeed both passing/running the ball. He can be their man from day 1, and he can be the one to turn that program around. He also has a chance to be a leader for a new offense and be a trailblazer so to speak. I'd say it's now 50/50 OSU and michigan, but he hasn't even visited Michigan yet so once I think he does that it's over.

The thing Terrelle won't take into account and I wish he would is what we do with our personel. We dont' stick to one system we play a system that fits our kids. Look at what Troy did not what Todd is doing. He's been quoted as being worried about our system and that's weird he would say such a thing when we just imployed an offense for a mobile QB just last year?? How quickly things are forgotten!

Anyways I don't think RR is the man for the job but thats just me. Hit system could give OSU problems as far as on offense but his 3-3-5 system on defense would be a disaster against us. His ethics are somewhat iffy as well so its a good committment for michigan to have RR but not a great committment.

Chris leak was above average IMO in running ability.... he just didn 't do it as much. He had the potential to run but would rather pass the ball. Anyone would look like a pro style QB next to Tim Tebow though

[sarcasm]You've convinced me. We're screwed.[/sarcasm]
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IMO him not going to Michigan would be a major surprise.

That is a remarkable statement.

1. Pryor does not have the relationship with the UM players he has with OSU players. Players who include an incoming OL class that UM can't touch.

2. AA is further from home and can't touch our facilities.

3. Michigan is effectively starting a rebuilding process from a position well below where OSU now stands.

4. The O we associate with WVU of recent years is not an O that prepares a QB for the pros.

5. Unless and until he transfers (pure speculation at this point) Mallett is a major player at UM and could be for the next three years.

6. JT is not chopped liver.

That he would check UM out should have been expected. That they are now the favorites is an incredible reach.
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NFBuck;1030347; said:
[sarcasm]You've convinced me. We're screwed.[/sarcasm]


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bukIpower;1030326; said:
IMO him not going to Michigan would be a major surprise. Anyone else see Pryor going there? Also what are the chances Jenkins goes to Michigan as well??
Yeah, I can see how you'd think that. If you were a brainless pessimist, that is.

Step off the ledge, people. Rich Rodriguez is not Rasputin; he is not going to hypnotize these young recruits so they are powerless to resist.
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hey its just my opinion boys.. couple points here

1. I've always thought OSU was the team to beat here no doubt so it isn't like I'm constantly changing my mind or freaking out over ever update over pryor. The inclusion of michigan in his top 5 is the only team that has made me take notice

2. Sure Robinson didn't tear us up. Sure Juice got lucky against us. Sure VY surprised us with his arm, and Sure we played horrible against Leak/Tebow. However those games undeniably have 1 thing in common (I'm sure theres more things in common) and thats that the QB's have atleast amble mobility.

3. Chris Leak while not a blazer wasn't as slow as it's been made out to be. If you guys remember he did have some nice runs in 2006. Maybe not Tebow like but he's not as slow as its being made out to be.

4. Whoever said the sky is falling boys? I've only said that I believe Pryor will head to Michigan thats all.

5. Michigan still needs a 2nd/3rd threat in that offense to do a damn thing with pryor. Pryor by himself wont' beat OSU but he sure could give us fits.

Look I'm not saying Pryor will spear head a 4 year losing streak to UM but I'm just saying that RR's presense couldn't be any bigger in where Pryor goes. IMO Pryor will go where he can start right away and while Mallet hasn't transfered yet I think his chances of producing in the spread/option attack would be minimal.
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Here we go - a quote from Pryor on what RR told him in this morning's phone call:

He said he's keeping the same offense that he had at West Virginia because it's all he knows.

If that is not a reason to play for Jim Tressel (a man who is going to his third NC game with arguably his third different offensive style) I don't know what is.

Ryan Mallett run for your life.
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bukIpower;1030326; said:
ain't goin to lie but if (when) they get Pryor they will make BIG problems for OSU. If you look in the past the teams that have beat us they have one thing in common.... I mobile QB.

2005- VY, and Michael Robinson
2006- Tim Tebow, Chris Leak
2007- Juice Williams...

Oh8ch;1030342; said:
Those are what I call secondary correlations. In all cases they were arguable the best teams we played in those years regardless of the nature of their QB.
Oh8ch has got it....

2005: Texas: #1, 13-0, NC; Penn State: #3, 11-1, one second (and a LLLLLLoyd Carr rant) away from a perfect season
2006: Florida: #1, 12-1, NC
2007: Illinois: Rose Bowl, 9-3, potential top 5 team

BTW, I've never heard anyone accuse Chris Leak of being a mobile quarterback....

bukIpower;1030340; said:
true but at the same time that could be a reason WHY he goes... You have a chance to play for Rich, who will put Terrelle in a position to succeed both passing/running the ball. He can be their man from day 1, and he can be the one to turn that program around. He also has a chance to be a leader for a new offense and be a trailblazer so to speak. I'd say it's now 50/50 OSU and michigan, but he hasn't even visited Michigan yet so once I think he does that it's over.

The thing Terrelle won't take into account and I wish he would is what we do with our personel. We dont' stick to one system we play a system that fits our kids. Look at what Troy did not what Todd is doing. He's been quoted as being worried about our system and that's weird he would say such a thing when we just imployed an offense for a mobile QB just last year?? How quickly things are forgotten!

Anyways I don't think RR is the man for the job but thats just me. Hit system could give OSU problems as far as on offense but his 3-3-5 system on defense would be a disaster against us. His ethics are somewhat iffy as well so its a good committment for michigan to have RR but not a great committment.

Chris leak was above average IMO in running ability.... he just didn 't do it as much. He had the potential to run but would rather pass the ball. Anyone would look like a pro style QB next to Tim Tebow though.

IF he really does go to michigan I'll be one worried kid... to be honest why wouldn't he go to michigan though? He gets to be the starter right away, he gets to play in a pass/run offense, and he gets to go to a place that gets good players/national attention as well. IMO him not going to Michigan would be a major surprise. Anyone else see Pryor going there? Also what are the chances Jenkins goes to Michigan as well??
There's a reason that the Terrelle Pryor thread is closed, and that reason is as follows: We don't want panicked posts about Pryor's recruiting, and rampant unfounded speculation about who leads for his services. So ... don't bring it over here. First, last, and only warning. Get it? Got it? Good....
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With RR going to Michigan, I don't think it's going to be a quick, pretty, transformation for Michigan. I think they will go through a few years of growing pains. Plus,

If Mallet transfers (just speculation b/c he doesn't fit the RR system) , Pryor comes in right away with an ok O-line, new backs and receivers starting as a true freshman. I get it, the kid is going to be good and in the long run probably great, but thrown into the fire right away as a true freshman? The playing time sounds tempting, but who wants to continue to play for a guy who is constantly looking for a new job. Don't these kids question their character? He talked up the WVU job when he got there and has repeatedly looked for other jobs along the way.

Sure his offense would be fun to play in, but doesn't Pryor realize that OSU's staff would tailor the offense to his game, just like they did with Troy? I truly feel bad for the WVU kids and all the other kids that are preparing for bowl games with departing coaches. Again, it's ok for the coaches to pack their bags and coach some place else immediately, but if a student-athlete wants to do the same thing, they have to sit out a year. I think a similiar rule needs to be put in place for these coaches so they stop putting these programs in a bind in the heart of the bowl/recruiting season.

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