No, no he absolutely does not. FSU just gave up revenue in 2020. You don't do that because your shitty ass team might lose another game when it doesn't matter anymore. Clemson had a positive player that traveled, had practiced with the team all week (when the positive occurred in the week doesn't matter at this point, they're there in Tallanastee and have been with the team), and was there. You can't be certain this game can be safely played anymore based upon those facts, and taken together with Dabo's less than inspiring personal record on COVID, the FSU administration was 110% right to insist the game not be played this weekend.
Saying you're disappointed in losing a game is one thing, but as a coach, to say the crap he just said, is crossing that line IMO. Just another example of what a tone deaf, at best, person he is, in addition to the self-righteousness and other crap we all know and hate about him.