Administrator Emeritus
tibor75 said:how do you know these were dings? I know for a fact that mods can't tell if a rep is positive or negative. Most of these were positive dumbass. Ask NDChump if you don't believe me. I had a comment for each of the dings I left him.
Please Tibor, you're really slipping. Just a shell of your former ability to irritate. I can see the reputation point totals too. Simple addition and subtraction. Maybe someone will teach you those advanced concepts someday. I mean really, you used to be MUCH better at covering your butt. But really, go on with the "fantastic" tales you tell. I'm sure sooner or later you'll hit on one that actually makes sense.
tibor75 said:Please tell me when or how I've ever publically whined about dings, shitface.
This thread is litter with your whining. Poor tibor got dinged by a mod. Poor tibor had to run to a mod to find out who left him a ding ... over and over and over again. Poor tibor is linked with goats. Poor tibor get's all kinds of dings and never whines about it ...
tibor75 said:Read it and weep, shitface.
"Since you want to invoke Clarity's name, here's one for you. Clarity specifically said that he wants the reputation system to remain anonymous. I want to know who is giving out information about the reputation system. I don't think Clarity will be happy to hear about this ... I'm not. I do believe I (or Clarity) need to have a talk with someone."
Wow, you really are slipping. Better add reading comprehension to the list tibor. They probably even have such a class in Pittsburgh. First that's the PM I sent you. As I stated, that PM was forwarded on to Clarity ... I told you as much in that PM. I didn't send him an Email to complain about anything. Second (And I know this will be a difficult point for you to grasp, as with most), the complaint is about someone releasing anonymous information to folks who shouldn't have access to it. The complaint is about someone bending the rules for you ... the complaint would be the same for anyone. Gee, someone (coughtiborcough) is bloated with self importance. Yes, it's all about you ... poor tibor