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Remove Paterno's name from the B1G Championship Trophy - Done

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jwinslow;2031219; said:
then fight the urge and don't defend them.
I've defended no one, Josh. Just counseled everyone not to judge too early or without sufficient evidence. And maybe to recognize that it isn't easy to step into the shoes of someone who is confronted with horrific stories about a close friend. A lot of people have said, "Well, I would have acted another way from what Paterno did" who have never been confronted by circumstances remotely like this. I pray none of us here has to deal with something similar.
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Good people are disgusted and feel poweless to help the victims..thats why they sign petitions ..When people say you don't know what you would've done if you saw a child being raped excuse me many people know an unspeakable act when they see it ..if people can tell a store manager when they see a shopliter they can easily call 911. One quick picture with a cell phone would've spoke volumes in this situation..I guess if you have kids your first responsibility is to protect them...maybe if you don't you don't get involved..
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MaxBuck;2031130; said:
And the scapegoating of Joe Paterno begins ...


Who do you think was in charge in 2002? In 1998? The AD? The VP? The GA? Or the man who told the president to go fly a kite when he was asked to resign?

Joe Pa knew his friend was a pedophile and chose to, at best, turn a blind eye and at worst, be involved in a cover up. Either way, he was impacting what was going on. It's really hard for the person at the top of the food chain who had at least some knowledge and chose not to have more to be considered a "scapegoat." He is the one person in the whole mess who had the power to act.
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I have long been a fan of Joe Pa. He has done so many wonderful things at Penn State. It is a shame that one incident mars everything you have done.

BUT in this case, the incident is so heinous to have the Big 10 championship bearing his name is wrong. In fact, if Joe Pa doesn't resign either immediately or at the end of this season, it totally places his legacy in a different light. He did the minimum required, and in fact, as a mandated reporter he did not follow the law and his responsibility. He did not protect the innocent. If fact, in my opinion he abetted the crime.

Now lets take this one step further, what if Penn State would win the Big 10 Championship?

I am sickened by the entire incident. I think immediate punishment in the shower incident should have been handled by Louisville Slugger immediately.
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Well first of all it should have been the Kirk Ferentz trophy from day 1.

Second, I agree that his name should be removed if the grand jury findings are proven to be accurate. There is no way in hell he hadn't seen or heard something before McQuery came to him on top of the notion that, at least in my mind, McQuery's report alone should have been enough to do more than the minimum required.

No way in hell this went on over such a long period of time, in such a tightly controlled environment and the guy in charge was completely in the dark. I didn't buy it about Tressel and I don't buy it here (NOT comparing the severity of the two situations by any stretch of the imagination).
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Buckrock;2031260; said:
I am fine with the name on the trophy.

I was never fine with it.

What is Paterno's history in the Big Ten? He has coached in it less than 20 years, won 3 Big Ten titles, and one Rose Bowl. Seems to me there are other iconic figures with long, legitimate ties to the Big Ten who could be recognized in this manner.
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Jake;2031317; said:
I was never fine with it.

What is Paterno's history in the Big Ten? He has coached in it less than 20 years, won 3 Big Ten titles, and one Rose Bowl. Seems to me there are other iconic figures with long, legitimate ties to the Big Ten who could be recognized in this manner.

BTN recently named Ndamukong Suh the #1 Big Ten defensive lineman of the past ten years.

We are in the age of appeasement.
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Onebuckfan;2031250; said:
Good people are disgusted and feel poweless to help the victims..thats why they sign petitions ..When people say you don't know what you would've done if you saw a child being raped excuse me many people know an unspeakable act when they see it ..if people can tell a store manager when they see a shopliter they can easily call 911. One quick picture with a cell phone would've spoke volumes in this situation..I guess if you have kids your first responsibility is to protect them...maybe if you don't you don't get involved..

I had this argument with my boss last night. Unbelievable. I'm not saying for sure what Joe knew, but if (as I'm inclined to believe) he knew the real nature if not the details of what transpired, he is absolutely at fault for not going to the police.

The "you don't know what you'd do" line of argument doesn't work here my rationalizing friends. I don't care if it was an immediate family member, I'm reporting that shit until someone does something, even if I have to go to the news channels. There is absolutely no justification for not doing due diligence in making sure those kids were protected and in this case, Mr. Sandusky punished. We're not talking about seeing your friends kid shoplift from Macy's, we're talking about molesting a child. Sick F@#ker.
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Should have never been on the trophy in the first place.

And for those saying taking the "wait and see" approach, look at the grand jury report. McCreary's own testimony puts forth enough for me. There is simply NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON in the world for Sandusky to have had access to that campus after he was investigated in 1998, let alone after he was caught in the act in 2002. None. And the one man who had the power to take a stand did nothing.

Fuck Joe Paterno. He can cry and whine and pray for the victims of Sandusky's years of abuse all he wants. My ears are deaf to it just as his were 9 years ago.
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