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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

Encouraged by a couple of things this week. Drew Stubbs is finally getting it back on track in a big way and Jay might have finally pulled his head out. The returns of Cueto and Bailey went very very well. Yes, it was the Cubs but they did great jobs nonetheless.

Still a gaping hole in Left. Been there said that 5 million times over the past coupld of years. The bullpen is looking pretty good overall. A couple of bonehead outings but still it looks pretty good when Masset isnt a gascan. Lecure has found a niche I believe.

Lets get this next series and tie up the Central going into the big one with St Louis on the weekend. Should be fun.

Lets go Redlegs!!!!
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Bestbuck36;1919065; said:
Encouraged by a couple of things this week. Drew Stubbs is finally getting it back on track in a big way and Jay might have finally pulled his head out. The returns of Cueto and Bailey went very very well. Yes, it was the Cubs but they did great jobs nonetheless.

Still a gaping hole in Left. Been there said that 5 million times over the past coupld of years. The bullpen is looking pretty good overall. A couple of bonehead outings but still it looks pretty good when Masset isnt a gascan. Lecure has found a niche I believe.

Lets get this next series and tie up the Central going into the big one with St Louis on the weekend. Should be fun.

Lets go Redlegs!!!!

I'm a little more optimistic about this team with the return of Cueto and Bailey. I think once we get past this crappy weather, the bats will start to come alive.
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jlb1705;1919493; said:
Travis Wood - 3-run HR off of the guy who held the Reds to one hit in eight innings last week. Reds position players should be embarrassed all over again.

Had to have seen it coming... Both batters before him blasted the ball to left and to left-center. And just like that, the Reds hold a 3 run lead.
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2-run HR by Hernandez. I'm sitting here looking at meatball after meatball come in, and I'm dumbfounded at how it took 11+ innings for a position player (one of the guys who supposedly hit for a living) to figure it out.
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I have to admit, this is a pretty impressive outing for Wood. I mean, he's given us 3 runs on the offensive side, and he's given up 3 hits. Keep this thing cruising! I'd love to see back to back shut outs!
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TooTallMenardo;1919506; said:
I have to admit, this is a pretty impressive outing for Wood. I mean, he's given us 3 runs on the offensive side, and he's given up 3 hits. Keep this thing cruising! I'd love to see back to back shut outs!

'Stros lineup will do that for you but I'll take what I can get at this point.

P.S. I'm trying to decide if the Reds position players or the Houston pitcher should be more embarrassed by Wood's HR? Tough call.
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Jaxbuck;1919508; said:
'Stros lineup will do that for you but I'll take what I can get at this point.

P.S. I'm trying to decide if the Reds position players or the Houston pitcher should be more embarrassed by Wood's HR? Tough call.

I would have said Reds position players IF it wasn't Wood's first hit of the year. :lol: That, AND Razor Ramon smashed one to the same seats an inning later.
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Hey, I saw this on MLBTR today and was a little taken back.

Arbitration deals typically are not guaranteed, though those players are rarely cut, so I included them.

I was always under the impression that the base salary in any MLB contract was guaranteed. I wonder if this is true, does it mean they aren't guaranteed in case of injury as well?

Interesting to me at least. Anyone know?
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Jaxbuck;1919508; said:
'Stros lineup will do that for you but I'll take what I can get at this point.

P.S. I'm trying to decide if the Reds position players or the Houston pitcher should be more embarrassed by Wood's HR? Tough call.

Rodriguez isn't good enough to be embarrassed by something like that.

Two-thirds of his pitches are belt-high fastballs. He doesn't throw it hard and it lacks late movement. He has a conventional delivery and doesn't seem to hide the ball exceptionally well. His only outstanding quality is that he seems to be named after a deadly brain hemorrhage. He is the very definition of replacement-level. I'm convinced he pitched for the Reds sometime before last year and my mind has suppressed the memory.
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Jaxbuck;1919515; said:
Hey, I saw this on MLBTR today and was a little taken back.

I was always under the impression that the base salary in any MLB contract was guaranteed. I wonder if this is true, does it mean they aren't guaranteed in case of injury as well?

Interesting to me at least. Anyone know?

Same here, I though all MLB contracts were guaranteed.
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