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Reds Tidbits (2011 Season)

I normally don't have a desire to post either - but this was one of about 3 or 4 times out of an entire season. When they're 10 pages in and nobody has even brought up a couple of the most pertinent points about the subject I feel a need to say something.
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The Reds must not have faced this guy before. I know the wind is blowing in, but that's not an excuse for looking so weak against yet another 6.00+ ERA guy.

Meanwhile, Tim McCarver still makes me want to stab myself in the face.
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Hanigan's shot to LF got blown over to the deep part of the notch in LF for a long out in the top of the inning. DeWitt's shot in the bottom of the inning got blown over to the short part of the notch in RF for a HR.
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OK, even a double play should tie this thing up now. A strikeout or a weak popup are about the only things that hurt right here. Of course, if there's anybody that can find a way to do one of those things, it's the Reds.
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